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Creating ads for permanent residence sponsorship eligible positions


The requirements outlined below help ensure that job advertisements for competitively recruited positions adhere to University of Washington policies and Department of Labor requirements in the event that the selected candidate requires UW sponsorship for permanent residency.


  • Job advertisements must be published in a national print professional journal or The Chronicle of Higher Education (online) to satisfy Department of Labor permanent residence requirements. The deadline for receiving job applications must be at least 30 days after the date of the initial publication.
  • The ad must include the position title and all requirements, as well as a detailed and specific description of teaching duties or include the phrase:
    “All University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research/scholarship and service.”
  • For physician jobs with patient care responsibilities, include the following language:
    “In order to be eligible for University sponsorship for an H-1B visa, graduates of foreign (non-U.S.) medical schools must show successful completion of all 3 steps of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) or equivalent as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.”

Important Reminders for Creating Advertisements

  • In order to be eligible for permanent residence sponsorship, positions must have an explicit minimum degree requirement and list all allowed domestic degrees (e.g. “This position requires an MD or DO (or foreign equivalent).”)
  • Include only qualifications essential to the job. Preferences SHOULD NOT be listed. In the context of a permanent residence application, the Department of Labor will consider all education/experience/skills/qualifications/etc. listed in the ad to be requirements, even if the ad says that they are preferred/ideal/etc.
  • For green card application purposes, units must provide evidence that the candidate met each requirement listed in the ad at the time of hire.
  • To avoid difficulties, we strongly recommend rewording preferences and vague requirements (e.g. “must be able to mentor diverse student populations”) as job duties (e.g. “duties include mentoring diverse student populations”).
  • Ads may state that successful candidates will be expected to secure funding for their research, but may not imply that they must generate their own salary.
  • Jobs with numerous experience, training, and skill requirements are unlikely to be viewed as entry-level by the Department of Labor, and may impact wage requirements. These positions may be assigned a higher wage in the prevailing wage determination process.

Advertising Across Multiple Outlets

  • If a hiring unit wishes to advertise in multiple outlets, all duties and requirements must be consistent across advertisement versions.

Record Keeping Guidance

For The Chronicle of Higher Education (online), retain a copy of the following:

  • Advertisement invoice
  • Advertisement printout as posted

For advertisements in professional print journals, retain a copy of the following:

  • Journal’s cover page
  • Copy of full page on which ad appears
