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Affiliate titles

(Updated 2/23/2024)

Individuals who maintain principal employment 1) outside UW, 2) in a UW administrative unit, or 3) as staff in a UW academic unit may be eligible for an affiliate appointment that would allow them to contribute to the teaching and/or research mission of the University. In the case of staff currently employed in a UW academic unit, an affiliate appointment would only be permissible in an academic unit outside the school/college/campus of their staff appointment. Affiliate appointments are not intended for regular UW compensation. As noted below, appointments are possible in a faculty context as provided for in the Faculty Code, or in postdoctoral contexts. The Academic HR Separations page outlines conditions under which UW faculty who have separated can be appointed as affiliate faculty.

Service Period 12 months
Appointment length Annual
Key considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Full-time/part-time N/A
Board of Regent approval required No
Education/ experience requirements Varies – see Additional Details section
Competitive recruitment required No
Reappointment eligible Yes
Reappointment term Annual
Reappointment considerations No limit on number of reappointments
Tenure status N/A
Voting rights No
Salary considerations Intended to be an unpaid appointment; if paid on a temporary basis must meet the University minimum
Promotion eligible  Varies – see Additional Details section
Emeritus eligible No

Additional Details


Affiliate Professor

Key considerations: This unpaid academic appointment may receive a salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Education/experience requirements: Comparable to qualifications for professor (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.3)
Promotion eligible: N/A

Affiliate Associate Professor

Key considerations: This unpaid academic appointment may receive a salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Education/experience requirements: Comparable to qualifications for associate professor (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.2)
Promotion eligible: Yes

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Key considerations: This unpaid academic appointment may receive a salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Education/experience requirements: Comparable to qualifications for assistant professor (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.1)
Promotion eligible: Yes

Affiliate Instructor

Key considerations: This unpaid academic appointment may receive a salary on a temporary basis, but cannot be appointed in a manner that results in benefits eligibility
Education/experience requirements: Comparable to qualifications for instructor (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.7)
Promotion eligible: Yes

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar

Key considerations: This unpaid, postdoctoral scholar appointment is currently reserved for those who are employed and paid directly by one of the following non-University of Washington entities: Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Veterans Affairs (VA), Fred Hutchinson Research Center (FHRC), or U.S. Military. Appointees are not eligible for any UW pay and therefore don’t qualify for UW provided healthcare benefits through this appointment. Should the position with the non-UW entity end, the corresponding UW appointment will end that same date. The UW reserves the right to terminate the appointment without cause at any time.
Reappointment considerations: Determined at the local level. There are no limitations to the number of annual reappointments; however, the appointment is contingent on employment as a postdoctoral scholar with the non-UW entity and may not be indefinite.
Education/experience requirements: PhD or equivalent
Promotion eligible: No

Hiring Packet Required Documents

All Titles on This Page Except Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar


  • Offer letter
    • Academic title/rank
    • Service period (12 months)
    • In the event of temporary payment, the unit will be asked to submit an offer letter amendment that includes
      • Statement of temporary nature of paid status
      • Duration of paid status
      • Appointment percent and rate of pay while in paid status
      • Signature of hiring authority and signature or acknowledgement by appointee
      • Note: All other terms and conditions of the appointment remain unchanged


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment, referencing the detailed offer letter or providing offer letter details, and indicating faculty vote totals:
    • Eligible voters
    • Favorable votes
    • Unfavorable votes
    • Abstentions
    • Absent voters
  • Letter of recommendation (3 preferred, 1 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae


Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar


  • Offer letter


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment
    • Postdoctoral Scholar title
    • Service period
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of paid direct relationship (PDR) with one of the following: HHMI, VA, FHRC, or U.S. Military (may be in chair/director’s letter)


Additional Relevant Links

Secondary appointments
Promotion and tenure