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Adjunct Appointments

These appointments are made only to faculty members already holding a primary appointment in another UW academic unit. It recognizes the contributions of the faculty member to a secondary academic unit (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.9). The title/rank must be consistent with title/rank in the primary academic unit and does not confer the privilege of participation in governance and voting privileges, or tenure in the secondary unit. Should the primary appointment end, the adjunct ends simultaneously.

Service Period Aligns with primary appointment Service Period
Appointment length Annual
Key considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Full-time/part-time N/A
Board of Regent approval required No
Educational/ experience requirements Varies – see Additional Details section
Competitive recruitment required N/A
Reappointment eligible Yes
Reappointment term Annual; no limit on number of reappointments
Reappointment considerations Considered each year by faculty in adjunct appointing unit
Tenure status N/A
Voting rights No
Salary considerations N/A
Promotion eligible N/A; department chair/school director/campus dean of the adjunct appointing unit must provide a recommendation when the primary appointment is considered for promotion
Emeritus eligible No
Additional Details for Track Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment is used for faculty members with a primary appointment as professor with tenure, professor tenure track, or professor WOT and requires outstanding, mature scholarship as evidenced by accomplishments in teaching, and national or international recognition in research (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.3).

Education/experience considerations: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment is used for faculty members with a primary appointment as associate professor with tenure, associate professor tenure track, or associate professor WOT and requires demonstrated substantial success in both teaching and research. In exceptional cases an outstanding record in one of these activities may be considered sufficient (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.2).

Education/experience considerations: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment is used for faculty members with a primary appointment as assistant professor tenure track or assistant professor WOT and requires demonstrated teaching and research ability and completion of professional training that evidences promise of a successful career (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.1).
Education/experience considerations: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Research Professor

Key considerations:  This secondary appointment requires outstanding, mature scholarship as evidenced by accomplishments in research as evaluated in terms of national or international recognition in research (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.3 and B.5).
Education/experience considerations: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Research Associate Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires demonstrated substantial success in teaching and research, with a primary emphasis on research (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.2 and B.5).
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires a demonstration of research ability that evidences promise of a successful career (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.1).
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Teaching Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires outstanding, mature scholarship as evidenced by accomplishments in teaching. Further, it requires a record of excellence in instruction, which may be demonstrated by exemplary success in curricular design and implementation, student mentoring, and service and leadership (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.3 and B.3)
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires a record of substantial success in teaching, Further, it requires extensive training, competence, and experience in the discipline (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34  A.2 and B.3).
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Assistant Teaching Professor

Key considerations:  This secondary appointment requires a demonstration of teaching ability that evidences promise of a successful teaching career (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34  A.1 and B.3.
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD

Adjunct Professor of Clinical Practice

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires a record of outstanding, mature scholarship as evidenced by national or international recognition of their accomplishments and a record of excellence in clinical practice, teaching, scholarship, and service. Individuals appointed to this rank must have primary responsibility and credentialing to perform clinical practice at the University or a University of Washington-affiliated site. (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.3 and B.6).
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD

Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Practice

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires a record of substantial success in clinical teaching and scholarship, and extensive training, competence, and experience in the discipline. Individuals appointed to this rank must have primary responsibility and credentialing to perform clinical practice at the University or a University of Washington-affiliated site. (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.2 and B.6)
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice

Key considerations: This secondary appointment requires a demonstration of clinical and teaching ability that evidences promise of a successful academic clinical career that includes scholarship. Individuals appointed to this rank must have primary responsibility and credentialing to perform clinical practice at the University or a University of Washington-affiliated site. (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.1 and B.6)
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD

Additional Details for Clinical Faculty (Annual)

Adjunct Clinical Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment is used for clinical faculty who have been approved for exceptional multiyear appointments in their primary unit. Qualifications for this appointment are consistent with their professor rank and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role.
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment is used for clinical faculty who have been approved for exceptional multiyear appointments in their primary unit. Qualifications for this appointment are consistent with their associate professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11).
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor

Key considerations: This secondary appointment is used for clinical faculty who have been approved for exceptional multiyear appointments in their primary unit. Qualifications for this appointment are consistent with their assistant professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11).
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD

Hiring Packet Required Documents


  • Offer letter
    • Adjunct title/rank – corresponding with primary appointment title/rank
    • Academic year of appointment


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment and indicating faculty vote totals from adjunct appointing unit
    • Eligible voters
    • Favorable votes
    • Unfavorable votes
    • Abstentions
    • Absent voters
  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter from the faculty member’s primary unit approving the adjunct appointment
  • Letters of recommendation (3 preferred, 1 mandatory)

Additional Relevant Links

Secondary appointments
Visa eligibility
Second year review