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Service periods

Academic appointments at the University are assigned 9-month or 12-month service periods as provided for in APS 41.1. Service periods are a key factor in planning workloads, identifying applicable salary minimums, establishing pay frequency and applicable benefits deductions, and determining summer hiatus eligibility among other aspects.

When determining the appropriate service period, first consider the appointment type– some types are always 12-month– then consider the primary academic appointing unit.

Appointment types with 12-month service periods

Regardless of the primary appointing unit’s service period, the titles and ranks below will always have a 12-month service period. To learn more about these titles and ranks, visit the Academic Titles and Ranks pages.

* including ROTC and Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) employees with WOT appointments

Units with 12-month service periods

  • Dentistry
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Public Health
  • ROTC
  • University Libraries

Units with 9-month service periods

  • Arts & Sciences
  • Built Environments
  • Continuum College
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
  • Foster School of Business
  • Information School
  • Law
  • Nursing
  • Social Work
  • UW Bothell
  • UW Tacoma

Reviewing Service Period Data in Workday

To audit service period information in Workday, units should run R0623: Academic Positions with Invalid Service Periods, ideally after quarterly hiring activities have been completed. By mid-May of each year, it is essential that units resolve any issues identified by this audit to ensure that all eligible academic personnel with 9-month service periods can be placed on summer hiatus