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Non-professorial instructional and related titles

Individuals in this category are faculty who are primarily engaged in instructional roles, but also fulfill scholarship/research and service responsibilities.

Service Period 9 or 12 months as indicated on the Service Period Matrix
Appointment length Varies – see Additional Details section
Key considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Full-time/part-time Varies – see Additional Details section
Board of Regent approval required Varies – see Additional Details section
Education/experience requirements Determined at the local level and commensurate with assigned responsibilities
Competitive recruitment required Varies – see Additional Details section
Reappointment eligible Yes
Reappointment term Varies – see Additional Details section
Tenure status N/A
Voting rights Varies – see Additional Details section
Salary considerations Must meet University minimum
Promotion eligible Varies – see Additional Details section
Emeritus eligible None
Additional Details

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: This is a special instructional role intended to address short-term or unanticipated instructional needs (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.1); appointment limitations as described in the Provost’s Lecturer Appointment Guidelines should be noted in the offer letter and the reappointment letter, if applicable
Full-time/part-time: Full-time
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: Limited to 3 consecutive annual appointments (Provost Lecturer Appointment Guidelines); faculty who have exhausted their 3-year limit on temporary lecturer positions are not eligible for subsequent appointment in an acting, temporary lecturer (part-time or full-time), or teaching associate titles
Voting rights: No
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Appointment length: 1-5 years
Key considerations: This is a special instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.1) that has the potential for a multi-year appointment
Full-time/part-time: Part-time; may be appointed at any part-time percentage commensurate with assigned duties
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Competitive recruitment required: Yes
Reappointment term: 1-5 years
Reappointment considerations: Annual appointment in 3 consecutive years, should be reviewed for a potential multiyear appointment (Provost’s Lecturer Appointment Guidelines)
Voting rights: No
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Appointment length: Annual or quarterly
Key considerations: This is a special instructional role intended to address short-term or unanticipated instructional needs (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.1); appointment limitations as described in the Provost’s Lecturer Appointment Guidelines should be noted in the offer letter and the reappointment letter, if applicable
Full-time/part-time: Part-time; must be less than 50% if appointed annually; may be 50% or greater if appointed quarterly
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual or quarterly
Reappointment considerations: Recurring quarterly appointments at 50% or greater that result in academic year-long employment will be limited to a total of 3 consecutive academic years (Provost’s Lecturer Appointment Guidelines); faculty who have exhausted their 3-year limit on temporary lecturer positions are not eligible for subsequent appointment in an acting, temporary lecturer (part-time or full-time), or teaching associate titles
Voting rights: No
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Appointment length: 1-5 years for full-time appointments; annual or quarterly for part-time appointments
Key considerations: This is a special instructional role for an individual with a demonstrated record of extensive training, competence, and experience in their discipline (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.2).
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: Yes
Competitive recruitment required: Yes, to be eligible for a multi-year appointment; no, if appointment will be annual or quarterly
Reappointment term: 1-5 years for full-time appointments; annual or quarterly for part-time appointments
Voting rights: Yes, with a full-time appointment (UW Faculty Code Section 21-32 A)
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Appointment length: 1-5 years for full-time appointments; annual or quarterly for part-time appointments
Key considerations: This is a special instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.1)
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: Yes
Competitive recruitment required: Yes, to be eligible for a multi-year appointment; no, if appointment will be annual or quarterly
Reappointment term: 1-5 years for full-time appointments; annual or quarterly for part-time appointments
Voting rights: Yes, with a full-time appointment (UW Faculty Code Section 21-32 A)
Promotion eligible: Yes, with a full-time appointment and a competitive recruitment
Emeritus eligible: No

Appointment length: Annual or quarterly
Key considerations: Appointments are made to non-students with credentials more limited than those required of an instructor (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.12).
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual or quarterly
Voting rights: No
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Appointment length: 1-5 years
Key considerations: This role is for a distinguished practitioner/academician who has had a major impact on a field important to the University’s teaching, research, and/or service mission (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.6). This title addresses a unique appointment need and should be used sparingly. Units must include Professors of Practice on their hiring plans and address the appropriateness of the title in the Additional Justification section. If the need for a Professor of Practice emerges after the hiring plan has been approved, the unit must revise their hiring plan accordingly before moving forward with the hire. For guidance on revising hiring plans, please email Advanced consultation with the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel is required in some circumstances. See below for details.
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time; may be appointed at any percentage commensurate with assigned duties
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: Yes
Competitive recruitment required: No. In absence of a competitive recruitment, deans/chancellors must discuss the targeted candidate with the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and receive written approval before proceeding with a department/unit vote. If the unit chooses to conduct a competitive recruitment, the draft position will be reviewed by the Office of Academic Personnel to verify that the proposed required qualifications are commensurate with a distinguished practitioner/academician.
Reappointment term: 1-5 years
Voting rights: No
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Hiring Packet Required Documents

Lecturer Part-Time, Senior Artist in Residence, Artist in Residence, and Professor of Practice


  • Offer letter signed by hiring authority and signed or acknowledged by appointee
    • Title
    • Start date
    • Service period (either 9 or 12 months)
    • Monthly rate of pay
    • Appointment percent


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment and indicating the faculty vote (Should either include offer letter details or reference the detailed offer letter)
  • Letters of recommendation (3 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Lecturer Part-Time, Senior Artist in Residence, Artist in Residence only: Copy of online job advertisement from the Chronicle of Higher Education or appropriate print journal.
  • Professor of Practice only: Copy of pre-approval from Vice Provost for Academic Personnel OR copy of online job advertisement from the Chronicle of Higher Education or appropriate print journal.


Lecturers Full-Time Temporary and Part-Time Temporary and Teaching Associate


  • Offer letter signed by hiring authority and signed or acknowledged by appointee
    • Title
    • Start date
    • Service period (either 9 or 12 months)
    • Monthly rate of pay
    • Appointment percent
    • Lecturer Part-Time Temporary title only: Notice that “recurring quarterly appointments at 50% or greater resulting in academic year-long employment are limited to a total of 3 consecutive academic years.”
    • Lecturer Full-Time Temporary title only: Notice that “recurring appointments are limited to a total of 3 consecutive academic years.”


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment and indicating the faculty vote (Should either include offer letter details or reference the detailed offer letter)
  • Letters of recommendation (3 preferred, 1 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae


Additional Relevant Links

Secondary appointments
Visa eligibility
Promotion and tenure