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Clinical titles (annual)

Looking for the Clinical Practice track?
The Clinical Practice track is eligible for multi year appointments and differs from the annual clinical titles listed below. More information on the Clinical Practice track is available under Professorial Tracks.

Clinical appointments are made to individuals whose training/experience positions them to make valuable contributions to the clinical teaching mission of the University. Clinical faculty appointees have comparable qualifications to other UW faculty with the same title or rank. There are both salaried and non-salaried clinical titles. However, clinical faculty appointments are usually made to individuals who have primary appointments with outside agencies or non-academic UW units, or who are in private practice. Clinical associates and clinician researchers are academic staff who are not faculty, librarians, residents, fellows, or postdoctoral scholars (APS 40.1).

Service Period 12 months
Appointment length Varies – see Additional Details section
Key considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Full-time/part-time Varies – see Additional Details section
Board of Regent approval required No
Education/ experience requirements Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD or MD; except for clinical associate, see Additional Details Section below
Competitive recruitment required No
Reappointment eligible Yes
Reappointment term Varies – see Additional Details section
Reappointment considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Tenure status N/A
Voting rights No
Salary considerations When paid, must meet University minimums;  see Additional Details section for Clinician Researcher
Promotion eligible Varies – see Additional Details section
Emeritus eligible Varies – see Additional Details section

Clinical Professor – Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11).
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time (minimum 50% appointment)
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A)
Promotion eligible: N/A
Emeritus eligible: Yes

Clinical Associate Professor – Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the associate professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11).
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time (minimum 50% appointment)
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A)
Promotion eligible: Yes
Emeritus eligible: Yes

Clinical Assistant Professor – Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the assistant professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11).
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time (minimum 50% appointment)
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A)
Promotion eligible: Yes
Emeritus eligible: No

Clinical Instructor – Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the instructor title (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.7) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11).
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time (minimum 50% appointment)
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A)
Promotion eligible: Yes
Emeritus eligible: No

Clinical Professor – Non Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11). This is an unpaid academic title that can receive salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Full-time/part-time: N/A
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A).
Promotion eligible: N/A
Emeritus eligible: Requires exceptional review and approval

Clinical Associate Professor – Non Salaried

Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the associate professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A), and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11). This is an unpaid academic title that can receive salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Full-time/part-time: N/A
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A).
Promotion eligible: Yes
Emeritus eligible: Requires exceptional review and approval

Clinical Assistant Professor – Non Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the assistant professor rank (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11). This is an unpaid academic title that can receive salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Full-time/part-time: N/A
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A)
Promotion eligible: Yes
Emeritus eligible: No

Clinical Instructor – Non Salaried

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: Qualifications for this title are consistent with the instructor title (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.7) and with their expertise and assigned clinical instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.11). This is an unpaid academic title that can receive salary on a temporary basis. Individuals expected to receive compensation on a regular, ongoing basis should be appointed to a different title.
Full-time/part-time: N/A
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments; voting faculty may delegate authority to an elected committee of its voting faculty to recommend faculty reappointment (UW Faculty Code Section 24-53 A)
Promotion eligible: Yes
Emeritus eligible: No

Academic Staff

Clinical Associate

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: This is a volunteer, non-faculty, unpaid academic staff title. Individuals in this title are not eligible for pay.
Full-time/part-time: N/A
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments
Education/experience requirements: Determined at the local level
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Clinician Researcher

Appointment length: Annual
Key considerations: This is a non-faculty, academic staff title that is strictly limited to use in the School of Medicine. Individuals in the Clinician Researcher title must always hold two positions to reflect the unique nature of their training experiences and work. 1) Clinician Researcher-Stipend (primary position): awarded a fellowship or traineeship to engage in research related to clinical training; and 2) Clinician Researcher (secondary position): privileged as attending physicians within the context of their university responsibilities.
Full-time/part-time: Full-time
Competitive recruitment required: No
Reappointment term: Annual
Reappointment considerations: Maximum of 3 years in title. While it is expected reappointment will be on an annual basis, reappointment to a term of less than 12 months is possible if there is insufficient funding to support a full-year reappointment, the project/program is scheduled to end in less than 12 months, reappointment is limited by visa sponsorship limitations, and/or time in title has been exhausted. In such circumstances, the limited reappointment is planned (not modified after the fact); the associated reappointment letter shall clearly state the end date, provide notification of nonrenewal, and be issued at least 60 days prior to the anticipated end date of appointment/employment.
Salary considerations: Individuals in this title are paid a stipend (Clinician Researcher-Stipend position) and a salary (Clinician Researcher position). FTE must not exceed 25% on the salaried position, including regular ongoing duties. Eligible for salary supplements on their salaried position above and beyond full-time effort, unless restricted by employment visa.
Promotion eligible: No
Emeritus eligible: No

Hiring Packet Required Documents

Clinical Titles: Faculty

Clinical Salaried


  • Offer letter signed by hiring authority and signed or acknowledged by appointee
    • Academic title/rank
    • Start date
    • Appointment length, when applicable
    • Service period (12 months)
    • Monthly rate of pay
    • Appointment percent


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment and indicating the faculty vote. (Should either include offer letter details or reference the detailed offer letter).
  • Letters of recommendation (3 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae


Clinical – Non Salaried


  • Offer letter
    • Academic title/rank
    • Service period (12 months)
      • In the event of temporary payment, the unit will be asked to submit an offer letter amendment that includes
        • Statement of temporary nature of paid status
        • Duration of paid status
        • Appointment percent and rate of pay while in paid status
        • Signature of hiring authority and signature or acknowledgement by appointee
        • Note: All other terms and conditions of the appointment remain unchanged


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment and including the faculty vote (Should either include offer letter details or reference the detailed offer letter).
  • Letters of recommendation (3 preferred, 1 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae


Clinical Titles: Academic Staff

Clinical Associate


  • Offer letter
    • Academic title/rank
    • Service period (12 months)


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment (Should either include offer letter details or reference the detailed offer letter).
  • Letters of recommendation (3 preferred, 1 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae


Clinician Researcher


  • Offer letter


  • Curriculum vitae


Additional Relevant Links

Secondary appointments
Visa eligibility
Promotion and tenure