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Visiting Titles

Visiting titles include both faculty and academic staff appointments and represent temporary relationships with the UW.

Service Period 9 or 12 months per the Service Period Matrix; 12 months for visiting scholars and visiting scientists
Appointment length Determined at the local level; cannot exceed one year
Key considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Full-time/part-time Varies – see Additional Details section
Board of Regent approval required Varies – see Additional Details section
Educational/ experience requirements Varies – see Additional Details section
Competitive recruitment required No
Reappointment eligible Yes
Reappointment term Determined at the local level; cannot exceed one year
Reappointment considerations Limited to 2 consecutive years in any visiting title; subsequent appointment is possible after a reasonable period of return to primary employment/home institution
Tenure status N/A
Voting rights No
Salary considerations Varies – see Additional Details section
Promotion eligible No
Emeritus eligible No

Additional Details


Visiting Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor

Key considerations: These are salaried faculty appointments that require a primary professorial position at another institution of higher learning. If serving as instructor of record for a for-credit course, start and end dates should align with academic year or quarter. All ranks require qualifications consistent with those outlined in UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time (minimum 50% appointment)
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: Yes
Education/experience requirements: Completion of professional training, in many cases marked by the PhD
Salary considerations: Must meet University minimum if paid through a UW compensation plan

Visiting Lecturer

Key considerations: The appointee may hold a non-professorial appointment at another institution of higher education and/or may otherwise be qualified for this special instructional role (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.15 and UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.1-3). If serving as instructor of record for a for-credit course, start and end dates should align with academic year or quarter.
Full-time/part-time: Full-time or part-time (minimum 50% appointment)
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Education/experience requirements: Determined at the local level and commensurate with assigned responsibilities
Salary considerations: Must meet University minimum

Academic Staff

Key considerations: Typically non-academic experts or professionals in a field who collaborate with or serve an academic department and temporarily engage in independent (non-mentored) research, observation, and/or consultation with colleagues. Individuals in this non-faculty title may not teach or be an instructor of record for any course; must not otherwise meet eligibility criteria for appointment as a postdoctoral scholar; and may not be a student enrolled at any institution and/or performing the duties of a professional staff research scientist. May be terminated with 30 days’ notice, with or without cause.
Full-time/part-time: Full-time
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Education/experience requirements: Must hold at least a master’s degree
Salary considerations: Must either be paid 100% directly from a non-UW source (PDR) or be 100% UW-funded. If on a UW compensation plan, must meet University minimum

Key considerations: This is an honorary non-faculty title awarded to persons who hold professorial (including research titles) positions at other institutions and who are visiting but not employed by the University during their stay. Individuals with this title may not serve as instructor of record and may not hold another UW appointment concurrently (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 B.16).
Full-time/part-time: N/A
Requires Board of Regents’ approval: No
Education/experience requirements: Must hold a professorial title at another institution
Salary considerations: Not eligible for UW salary

Hiring Packet Required Documents

All titles on this page except Visiting Scientist and Visiting Scholar


  • Offer letter signed by hiring authority and signed or acknowledged by appointee
    • Title
    • Start date
    • Service period (either 9 or 12 months)
    • Monthly rate of pay
    • Appointment percent


  • Chair/director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment, referencing the detailed offer letter or providing offer letter details, and indicating faculty vote totals:
    • Eligible voters
    • Favorable votes
    • Unfavorable votes
    • Abstentions
    • Absent voters
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae


Visiting Scientist


  • Offer letter signed by hiring authority and signed or acknowledged by appointee
    • Title
    • Start date
    • Appointment length
    • Monthly rate of pay
    • Appointment percent
    • Statement that appointment is at-will and that there is a 30-day minimum advance notification of termination


  •  Chair/ director/campus dean’s letter to dean/chancellor recommending appointment (Should either include offer letter details or reference the detailed offer letter)
  • Letters of recommendation (3 preferred, 1 mandatory)
  • Curriculum vitae


Visiting Scholar


  • Offer letter
    • Title
    • Start date
    • Appointment length


Additional Relevant Links

Visa eligibility