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UW Merit & faculty unit adjustments

A collaborative process of consultation with key stakeholders, including the Board of Deans and Chancellors and faculty councils, plays a pivotal role in shaping the annual budget presentation to the Board of Regents. With board approval, the provost authorizes funding for merit-based salary increases to take effect on September 1. Eligibility for these increases stipulates clarity and fairness, which stem from annual performance evaluation and merit review processes that endeavor to foster a culture of continuous recognition and achievement.

Details on the most current authorization of merit-based salary increases can be found in authorization memoranda linked below.


Planning & Authorization Memoranda

Planning Email
On January 16, 2024 and consistent with established practice, the Executive Office of the President and Provost sent an initial FY 25 Merit Planning email to Deans, Chancellors, Vice Presidents, and Vice Provosts.

Authorization Memoranda
On April 16, 2024, the Executive Office of the President and Provost sent FY25 Merit & Faculty Unit Adjustment authorization letters


Merit & Faculty Unit Adjustment Process Guide

Personnel responsible for preparing and submitting salary increase recommendations should review all sections of the  FY25 Process Guide in advance of merit preparation activities and throughout the submission process.