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Base Salary Changes

Below are common circumstances where UW faculty, librarians, or other academic personnel might receive a base salary change. Before making base salary changes not reflected on this page, consult your Academic HR specialist.


Faculty and librarians who are successfully reviewed and approved for promotion receive a 10% salary increase upon the effective date of their promotion per Faculty Code Section 24-70 B.2Faculty Code Section 24-71 A.2, EO 64, and UW SEIU 925 Libraries Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 21.3. Details can be found on the Outcomes for Promotion and Tenure page.


When authorized by the provost, meritorious academic personnel may be eligible to receive a salary adjustment associated with the annual merit review process. Detailed information is found in the Merit section.


The University has formal retention policies and processes which may include base salary adjustments. See the Retention section for more details.

Unit Adjustments

Beyond increases associated with annual merit review, Executive Order 64 provides for another type of faculty salary increase known as a unit adjustment.  Authorization of unit adjustments comes from the provost and can happen at any point in a given academic year or not at all.

CBA-Mandated Adjustments

These adjustments are governed by specific collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) and limited to academic personnel represented by a union. Visit the UW Labor Relations pages for more information.

Extramural Funding for Postdoctoral Scholars

A postdoctoral scholar who receives extramural funding – funding that is awarded to the University by outside agencies, foundations, government sources, etc. – may be eligible for a salary/stipend increase paid through the University. For more details, see Article 32 in the UAW Postdoctoral Scholar Local 4121 CBA.