(Updated 02/13/2024)
A lump sum relocation payment may be an effective incentive in the recruitment or retention a qualified candidate who will have to make a domiciliary move in order to accept an academic personnel appointment (Administrative Policy Statement 34.2). The relocation payment funds must draw from existing resources (RCW 43.03.125) and may be in addition to funds for actual moving expenses (Administrative Policy Statement 34.1).
Amount of Compensation
In determining the amount of relocation compensation, factors such as the availability of qualified candidates, the skills and qualifications of the candidate, and the difficulty of recruitment should be considered.
Required Approval and Processing
Incentive payments for faculty and other academic appointees must be approved in advance by the dean/chancellor. Advanced approval of the provost is required in exceptional circumstances where a proposed relocation payment:
- Exceeds $50,000 or 25% of the employee’s first year annual salary, whichever is greater, or
- Includes a repayment obligation period longer than one year
A relocation payment form (updated 02/13/24) must be completed before processing the payment in Workday. If the request requires exceptional approval, email the completed form to VPAP@uw.edu. The Office of Academic Personnel and Faculty (APF) will coordinate provost review and return the approved form to the unit for processing in Workday.
If within one year of the appointment date, the employee voluntarily terminates employment, or engages in behavior that makes termination of employment necessary, the full amount of the relocation incentive payment must be repaid to the University. Contingent upon provost approval, relocation payments in excess of $100,000 may include a repayment obligation period of longer than one year. In such cases, the repayment obligation period may not exceed the recipient’s initial period of appointment. Employment offer letters must clearly state the terms of the repayment obligation.
Termination of employment as a result of layoff, disability separation, or other good cause as determined by the provost (or the provost’s designee), will not require repayment of the relocation compensation.