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J-1 Hybrid Participation

In June 2023, the Department of State issued guidance regarding hybrid participation for J-1 exchange visitors following the end of the COVID-19 national emergency:

“Beginning July 1, 2023, [the Department of State] will consider exchange visitor programs […] as operating consistent with the purpose and requirements of the [Exchange Visitor Program] if the exchange visitor participates remotely no more than 40% of the time (e.g., two days out of five) [.]”

Based on this guidance,

  • Any new J-1 exchange visitors who started on 07/01/2023 or after are subject to this requirement, and must participate in-person at UW or third-party activity sites at least 60% of the time. 
  • Any J-1 exchange visitors who started their exchange program before 07/01/2023 may continue their current hybrid arrangements through 12/31/2023, after which they must follow the 40% rule above. 

This requirement is now reflected in ISO J-1 documents, including but not limited to the Remote J-1 Check-in Request Form, J Visa Intake, and Visa Request Forms. Please contact ISO if you have questions about this requirement.