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Safety in the workplace

UW APS 10 discusses various health and safety policies at the University of Washington. This section highlights those most relevant to academic personnel.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse The University is committed to maintaining an environment free of illegal drugs, and drugs and alcohol that are used illegally  UW APS 13.7
Hazardous Chemicals Communication If hazardous chemicals are part of your work, be aware of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) code, Hazard Communication Standard, which requires chemical manufacturers/importers to assess the hazards of chemicals they produce or import and share that information to affected employers and employees UW APS 12.5
Reporting Child Abuse All University employees and volunteers who have reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect must immediately report it to law enforcement or the Department of Social and Health Services. UW EO 56
Sexual Violence The UW is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment free from violence. The following behavior is prohibited:
Domestic violence
Relationship violence
Sexual assault
UW EO 51
Nondiscrimination The University maintains the right take appropriate corrective action for any conduct deemed unacceptable or inappropriate in order to promote an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. UW EO 31
Sex and Gender Discrimination Title IX, Title VII, VAWA, Washington State law, and UW policy collectively prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) identity. Title IX Notification

UW EO 70

State Employee Whistleblower Act University employees may report improper governmental actions to the State Auditor’s Office or to designated University officials. Employees are protected from reprisal or retaliatory action by state law provisions. UW APS 47.1
University Health and Safety Programs The UW is committed to supporting a culture of health and safety across the University. UW EO 55
Workplace Violence The University is committed to providing a safe, healthy workplace free from violence or threats of violence.  UWHR Policy page
lists various relevant policies

Required Employee Trainings

The University has developed a few required trainings aimed at safety in the workplace that all employees– except those with UW Medicine– must attend.

Health and Safety Support Resources

Accidents, Injuries and Safety Concerns

Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) assists units in meeting their responsibility to provide a safe and healthful place of employment and learning and to protect the environment.

Accidents, injuries and safety concerns should be reported to EH&S using their online reporting tools.

Academic personnel who are injured in the course of University employment may file for workers’ compensation benefits. For information, please refer to the UW Risk Services.

UW Police

The University Police Department is an accredited police department serving the Seattle campus and surrounding areas. Its purpose is to serve and protect the students, staff, academic personnel, and all people and property within the jurisdiction of that community. The UW Bothell Campus Safety Department provides professional security and campus safety services to UW Bothell. The UW Tacoma Campus Safety & Security Department works in partnership with the City of Tacoma Police Department for emergencies that require law enforcement response.

UW SafeCampus

The University of Washington has established policies and procedures to promote a safe campus for our employees and students. Academic HR encourages academic personnel to investigate resources available to ensure a creative and safe work environment. Please visit the UW SafeCampus website to learn more.


Washington Employee Assistance Program (WA EAP) offers a wide range of services that can help you manage through the different stages of life, develop a healthy lifestyle, maintain resilience, create a quality work environment, and save time by providing easy access to trusted experts, including counselors, attorneys, financial advisors, and eldercare consultants. Services are available nationwide for benefits-eligible UW employees, their dependents, and household members.

Resolution of Complaints Against University Employees

The University of Washington outlines the process to follow when an employee has a complaint that may involve a violation of UW Executive Order 31 (the University’s Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action policy).

Determining How to Pursue Your Complaint

Think about your goals for resolving your complaint:

  • If you are comfortable discussing the complaint or concern with your chair/director, unit administrator, and/or representative from the dean/chancellor’s office, report your complaint to one of these individuals.
  • If you are interested in mediation or conciliation, explore your concerns with the Office of the Ombud. Mediation or conciliation may involve meeting with the person whose conduct is in question and attempting to resolve the complaint or concern with the Ombud’s assistance.
  • Contact the University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) if you think you have been the victim of harassment or discrimination that violates Executive Order 31.
  • If you have concerns about situations that could become violent, contact SafeCampus.
  • If you or your department have any questions not answered above, please contact the Academic HR team for assistance.

Required Employee Trainings