Create a Position User Guide

Set up the Search Committee

To extend Evaluator access to personnel who will serve on your search committee, those individuals must be added to the search in FS. Click Add Member to view UW personnel already loaded in as FS users. You can search by name, unit, or email, or use the search field to enter a keyword. Once you locate the person you are looking for, click Add. Repeat this process until you have added all search committee members.

Search Committee screenshotTo remove a search committee member, simply click the X. Otherwise, click Save & Continue. If you don’t see the individual you are looking for on the User list, you have the ability to add them. To learn more about how to add an Interfolio Faculty Search user, visit Add New Users – Faculty Search.

Note: Administrators are added as Committee Managers by default and should not be removed from this role. Administrators must be in the Committee Manager role when a position is closed to ensure the position follows the established approval workflows. Due to limitations of the tool, Administrators cannot be re-added once removed from the role. Additional Committee Managers can be added as needed.

Search Committee List screenshot

BEST PRACTICE – Using the Committee Manager role cautiously

While some Interfolio institutions assign the Committee Manager role to the search committee chair, this is not recommended since the role has the ability to edit the search (accidentally or intentionally). To avoid this risk, search committee members should be assigned the Evaluator role and a search committee representative should communicate with the Administrator to make sure statuses and applicant communication are administered as intended.

If units wish to assume the risk of assigning a Committee Manager, the assignee should be made aware of the risk and responsibilities therein. To learn more about how to assign a Committee Manager role please visit Assign a User the Committee Manager Role.

Last updated August 18, 2022 at 10:46 am