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Changing professorial tracks

There are a variety of reasons why faculty members in professorial tracks may wish to change tracks. Professorial tracks include*:

  • Tenure  (eligible for or has tenure)
  • Without Tenure By Reason of Funding (WOT)
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Clinical Practice

Rank Equivalents

It is expected that a faculty member approved to change tracks will enter the new track at the equivalent rank. For example, an Associate Professor WOT changing to the Research track would come in as a Research Associate Professor.

Effect on the Mandatory Clock

If a faculty member in a clock-managed rank changes tracks, the timeline for mandatory promotion and/or tenure review does not change as a result of changing tracks. In other words, the new track typically inherits the previously-established clock. For example, a Research Assistant Professor with a 6-year mandatory promotion clock who changes to Assistant Professor WOT after 4 years will have 2 years remaining on their mandatory promotion clock. Please note that a track change does not preclude the faculty member from requesting a clock extension as allowed for by policy (e.g., change in FTE, Promotion and Tenure Extension).

If the faculty member moves from a clock-managed track into the teaching track, which is not clock-managed, the faculty member will no longer have a mandatory promotion clock. Conversely, if a faculty member moves from the teaching track into a clock-managed track, they will start at the beginning of the standard probationary period for the new track.

A faculty member who has been appointed as a clock-managed assistant professor and has exhausted the full probationary period (i.e., the equivalent of two 3-year appointments) is not eligible to hold the assistant professor rank in the same or a different clock-managed professorial track at the University. In limited circumstances and prior to a pending promotion or tenure decision, a faculty member in the final year of a clock-managed professorial appointment may be allowed to move into the teaching track or clinical practice track, as appropriate.

Effect on Visa Sponsorship

UW visa sponsorship (for both H-1B status and permanent residence) is track-specific. Any track change for a faculty member on a UW-sponsored H-1B or similar visa requires a new competitive recruitment and new H visa request. Units should contact ISO with any questions they have early in the process.

Track Change Options and Associated Requirements


Currently in… Changing to… Required Documentation and Approvals
Tenure track 
WOT track
Research track
Teaching track
Clinical Practice track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR
  • Letter from faculty member requesting track change and resigning current appointment contingent upon new appointment
  • New appointment letter
  • Chair/director/campus dean letter
  • Faculty vote
  • Evidence of appropriate credentialing as determined by hiring unit (for Clinical Practice only)
Tenure track WOT track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR
  • Letter from faculty member requesting track change and resigning current appointment contingent upon new appointment
  • New appointment letter
  • Chair/director/campus dean letter
  • Faculty vote
WOT track Tenure track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR, vice provost
  • Approval on hiring plan
  • If track change does not involve the award of tenure:
    • Letter from faculty member requesting track change and resigning current appointment contingent upon new appointment
    • New appointment letter
    • Chair/director/campus dean letter
    • Faculty vote
  • If track change involves the award of tenure, follow procedures as outlined on the Faculty Promotion and Tenure page
Research track Tenure track
WOT track
Teaching track
Clinical Practice track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR, vice provost
  • Approval on hiring plan
  • Competitive recruitment required
  • Offer letter acknowledges that the new appointment supersedes the current appointment
  • Evidence of appropriate credentialing as determined by hiring unit (for Clinical Practice only)
Teaching track
Clinical Practice track
Tenure track
WOT track
Research track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR, vice provost
  • Approval on hiring plan
  • Competitive recruitment required
  • Offer letter acknowledges that the new appointment supersedes the current appointment

Clinical Practice track
Teaching track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR
  • Letter from faculty member requesting track change and resigning current appointment contingent upon new appointment
  • New appointment letter
  • Chair/director/campus dean letter
  • Faculty vote
Teaching track
Clinical-dental pathway
Clinical Practice track
  • Required approvals: Chair/director/campus dean, dean/chancellor, Academic HR
  • Letter from faculty member requesting track change and resigning current appointment contingent upon new appointment
  • New appointment letter
  • Chair/director/campus dean letter
  • Faculty vote
  • Evidence of appropriate credentialing as determined by hiring unit


Faculty considering a track change should discuss the associated obligations and risks with their chair/director/campus dean.

Chair/directors/campus deans should consult the Office of Academic Personnel and Faculty for process and any needed approval for changing track on faculty members.