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Administrative appointments

Appointments in this category are held by academic personnel in recognized administrative positions associated with institutional and academic unit leadership. Academic administrators are required to hold a concurrent UW academic personnel appointment.

Note: Administrative appointments directly responsible to the provost (e.g., dean, chancellor, vice provost) are not included here as those titles are not administered outside the provost’s office.

Service Period Aligns with the service period of the concurrent faculty appointment
Appointment length At-will and at the discretion of the supervisor
Key considerations While an anticipated duration of the administrative assignment can be defined in the offer letter, an academic administrative appointment is at-will and can be terminated at any time along with any associated salary supplement
Full-time/part-time Full-time or part-time
Board of Regent approval required Varies – see details below
Educational/ experience requirements Determined by the appointing authority
Competitive recruitment required When an administrative appointment will be made concurrent with a new academic appointment or as required by UW Executive Order 20, a competitive recruitment is required
Reappointment eligible Yes
Reappointment considerations Periodic review by the immediate supervisor should be conducted at intervals of not more than 5 years (UW Executive Order 20-3A)
Tenure status N/A
Voting rights Certain administrative titles confer particular responsibilities independent of concurrent faculty or librarian appointments. See UW Executive Order V for authority concerning appointment, promotion and tenure and for information about different UW campuses; also see UW Executive Order I for chairs/directors and UW Executive Order 12 for deans.
Salary considerations May receive supplemental compensation; determined at the local level
Promotion eligible N/A
Emeritus eligible No, except administrative appointments at or above dean/chancellor
Academic Titles by Reporting Structure


Divisional Dean
Associate Dean
Acting Associate Dean
Chair of an academic appointing unit
Director of an academic appointing unit
Acting Chair
Acting Director


Senior Associate Dean of Libraries
Associate Dean of Libraries
Acting Associate Dean of Libraries


Assistant Dean
Director of a non-academic appointing unit (e.g., program, center, institute)


Assistant Dean of Libraries
Director of a non-academic appointing unit (e.g., program, center, institute)

Vice Chancellor
Acting Vice Chancellor
Associate Vice Chancellor
Acting Associate Vice Chancellor
Campus Dean
Associate Campus Dean
Acting Campus Dean

Assistant Vice Chancellor
Acting Assistant Vice Chancellor

Associate Director
Assistant Director
Associate Chair
Assistant Chair

Hiring Packet Required Documents


  • Offer letter (Appointments requiring Board of Regents’ approval should be signed by appointing authority and signed or acknowledged by appointee.)
    • Title and rank
    • Start date
    • Language acknowledging the at-will nature of the appointment

Additional Relevant Links

Secondary appointments