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Academic appointments requiring board approval

By policy, certain academic titles/ranks require Board of Regents’ approval before the individual can begin work. Before each Board meeting, the Office of Academic Personnel submits for the Board’s consideration a report of new academic appointments requiring Board approval. Units should process these appointments so that they are in the Academic HR Workday queue at least 23 calendar days prior to the Board of Regents meeting preceding the appointment start date.

Principal Administrative Appointments

New appointments to the following principal administrative titles must be approved by the Board of Regents.

Acting Associate Dean
Acting Chair
Acting Chancellor
Acting Dean
Acting Director of Academic Unit
Acting Vice Chancellor

Associate Campus Dean
Associate Dean
Associate Vice Chancellor
Campus Dean

Director of Academic Unit
Divisional Dean
Interim Campus Dean
Interim Provost
Vice Chancellor

Academic Appointments

New appointments to the following academic titles/ranks must be approved by the Board of Regents.

Professorial Ranks
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor

Professor Tenure Track
Associate Professor Tenure Track

Professor WOT
Associate Professor WOT
Assistant Professor WOT

Research Professor
Research Associate Professor
Research Assistant Professor

Teaching Professor
Teaching Associate Professor
Teaching Assistant Professor

Professor of Clinical Practice
Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice

Non-Professorial Instructional and Related Titles
Senior Artist in Residence
Artist in Residence
Professor of Practice

Visiting Titles
Visiting Professor
Visiting Associate Professor
Visiting Assistant Professor

Other Specialized Titles
Clinical Professor, Dental Pathway
Clinical Associate Professor, Dental Pathway
Clinical Assistant Professor, Dental Pathway
ROTC Professor WOT
ROTC Associate Professor WOT
ROTC Assistant Professor WOT

Endowed Appointments

New endowed appointments (except endowed fellowships) must be approved by the Board of Regents.