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Sextant: A New Academic Appointments and Positions Guidance Tool

(Updated 8/27/2020 to include new academic ranks and job profiles, as well as roster percent information)

The Office of Academic Personnel has created an academic appointments and positions guidance tool, Sextant, to help clarify data entry standards for academic personnel in Workday.

Access Sextant here. (UW NetID required).

To use: Look up the academic rank or job profile in question on the appropriate tab, then review the details.

Included data elements are:

  • Related Positions
    • Entering a related position for a given academic appointment is not required in Workday, but certain job profiles should link to certain appointments.*
  • Appointment Identifiers
    • All academic personnel who have an academic appointment should have one (and only one) assigned the “Primary” identifier
    • The Faculty Code governs which titles are eligible to be assigned the “Joint” identifier
  • Appointment Durations
    • If the minimum and maximum terms are the same, the appointment duration must match that description. If there is more than one interval (quarterly, annual, etc) between the minimum and maximum, all intervals are considered a valid duration.
      • For example, for lecturers part-time the minimum duration is quarterly and the maximum is multi-year so the appointment durations of quarterly, annual or multi-year are all valid.
    • Appointment requirement details, including duration can be found on the Office of Academic Personnel’s Titles and Ranks web pages.
  • Reappointment
    • For those academic ranks eligible to have the decision loaded into Workday by the ISC, decisions need to be made in December or Spring prior to the appointment end date. The Faculty Code defines when the decision needs to be made, and what the reappointment term options are.
      • Updates to appointments that have been included in this process should NOT be entered manually in Workday unless a specific request has been made by OAP or the ISC.
    • For those academic ranks requiring reappointment, but not eligible to be loaded into Workday via EIB, the decisions need to be made 30 to 90 days before the appointment end date.
    • Details of the reappointment requirements for various academic ranks can be found of the OAP Reappointments page.
  • Appointment End Date Basis
    • End dates for most academic ranks that are not indefinite should be tied to the academic year, with end dates of 6/15/YYYY for those academic personnel with 9-month service periods, and 6/30/YYYY for those academic personnel with 12-month service periods.
    • End dates for academic ranks that are described as variable are governed by the term limits laid out in the faculty code.
    • Academic appointments for academic ranks that are indefinite should not have an end date unless the academic person has been terminated or changed jobs.
  • Minimum Roster Percent Values
    • Primary appointments in certain academic ranks have minimum values for their roster percent value. The roster percent reflects the maximum FTE rate specified in the academic personnel member’s contract.

Data elements for job profiles in the Academic Personnel job family group are:

  • Primary Academic Appointment Rank
    • All academic personnel who have an academic appointment should have one (and only one) assigned the “Primary” identifier, the academic rank and academic unit for this appointment should correspond to the job profile and supervisory organization of the primary position. This column identifies the valid options.
  • Employee Type (Worker Type and Worker Sub-type)
    • Academic personnel can be assigned one of three Employee Types: Fixed Term, Regular, or Unpaid Academic.
    • Fixed Term and Regular Employee Types also include the sub-types PDR and Practice Plan; however, these are not addressed in Sextant.
    • Decision trees for determining Worker Type and Sub-type can be found on the ISC website.
  • Service Period
    • Many job profiles require a 12 month service period, in Sextant they are labeled “12 month”.
    • For other job profiles the period is determined by the School/College/Campus of the position, these are labeled “Entity Derived”.
      • The Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Public Health all have a 12-month service periods.
      • The remaining schools, colleges, and campuses have 9-month service periods.
    • Service periods for educators and extension lecturers can vary from person to person. These are labeled “Varied”.
  • Position Management (PM) or Job Management (JM) Supervisory Organizations
    • Some job profiles are required to be part of JM supervisory organizations, while others are required to be part of PM supervisory organizations.
  • Employment Durations
    • If the minimum and maximum terms are the same, the employment duration must match that description. If there is more than one interval (quarterly, annual, etc) between the minimum and maximum, all intervals are considered a valid duration.
    • Appointment requirements details including duration can be found on the OAP Titles and Ranks web pages.
  • Reappointment
    • For those job profiles eligible to have the decision loaded into Workday by the ISC, decisions need to be made in December or Spring prior to the end employment date. The Faculty Code defines when the decision needs to be made, and what the reappointment term options are.
      • Updates to positions that have been included in the bulk process should not be entered manually in Workday unless a specific request has been made by OAP or the ISC
    • For those job profiles requiring reappointment, but not eligible to be loaded into Workday via EIB, the decisions need to be made 30 to 90 days before the end employment date.
      • The process for entering a reappointment in Workday for these titles can be found here:
    • Positions in job profiles that are eligible to be moved into the Unpaid Academic job profile (Affiliate, Clinical Non-Salaried, Visiting, and Emeritus titles for example) should only be extended through the reappointment process if they will be continuing to be in paid status at the end of spring quarter, otherwise they should be moved into the Unpaid Academic job profile at the end of spring quarter and returned to the paid job profile when they move back into paid status.
    • Details of the reappointment requirements for various job profiles can be found of the OAP Reappointments page.
  • End Employment Date Basis
    • End dates for most job profiles that are not indefinite should be tied to the academic year, with end dates of 6/15/YYYY for those academic personnel with 9-month service periods, and 6/30/YYYY for those academic personnel with 12-month service periods.
    • End dates for job profiles that are described as variable are governed by the term limits laid out in the faculty code.
    • Positions for job profiles that are indefinite should not have an end employment date unless the academic person has been terminated or changed jobs.
  • Summer Hiatus Eligibility
    • Summer Hiatus is available for academic personnel with 9-month service periods who have active positions in the following autumn quarter. Summer Hiatus is used to suspend pay for summer quarter, and triggers a septuple deduction from the 6/25 paycheck to cover insurance deductibles that would normally be taken from the paychecks issued during summer quarter.
    • Emeritus faculty in paid status are not eligible for Summer Hiatus, and should be moved into the Unpaid Academic job profile if they will not be working during summer quarter.
    • Academic personnel with 12-month service periods are not eligible for Summer Hiatus, if they will not be working during summer quarter, they should be placed on the appropriate type of leave for their circumstance.

If you have questions or feedback about the tool, do not hesitate to email

*Related positions should only be entered in the following circumstances:

  • The entry does not force a change to the appointment start date.
  • The academic rank and unit correspond to the job profile and supervisory organization of the position.
  • The position is not already identified as the related position for another appointment (each position can only be referenced once).