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J-1 outside work

J-1 exchange visitors in the Professor, Research Scholar, and Short-Term Scholar categories may receive compensation for the employment described in part 5 of the DS-2019. In general, other work is not allowed for J-1 exchange visitors; however, occasional paid lectures or short-term consultations can be authorized by ISO on a case-by-case basis. The occasional lectures or consultations must be authorized in advance in writing before you do the work or receive pay for it. The off-campus activity must be directly related to the objectives of your exchange program, be incidental to your primary program activities, and not delay the completion date of the program.

To request approval to give occasional paid lecturers or to provide short-term consultations, follow the steps below:

  • Submit a Request for Approval of Outside Professional Work for Compensation to the Office of Research.
    • Unless you are seeking only reimbursement of travel expenses, complete this form even though certain sections of the Office of Research website imply it may not be required.
    • Send the original of the completed and signed form to Office of Research and a copy to ISO.
  • With the approved Request for Approval of Outside Professional Work, send the following to ISO:
    • A letter from the representative of the organization where the services will be performed. Letter should include the following:
      • Terms and conditions of the offer
      • Duration
      • Number of hours
      • Field or subject
      • Compensation amount
      • Activity description
    • A recommendation letter from your UW academic department explaining how the proposed activity would enhance your exchange program and confirming that the proposed activity is incidental to and will not delay the completion of the program.

ISO will review these documents and, if the activity is allowed under the relevant regulations, provide you with an updated DS-2019 and a letter authorizing the activity.

If you have questions about what outside work may be allowed, contact ISO.