In order to sponsor a foreign national for permanent residence, the University must post notice of filing to U.S. workers at all worksites for 10 consecutive business days (excluding weekends and holidays). An International Scholars Operations (ISO) advisor will ask the unit to post the notice of filing when preparing the Application for Permanent Employment Certification; do not post this notice without being asked to do so by ISO. The job announcement must be posted at the worksite adhering to the following guidelines:
- Posted in a conspicuous location at each worksite (including home, if employee will work remotely)
- Posted in in-house media normally used for recruitment purposes such as departmental newsletters, where available
After the 10 business day posting period, the notice must be signed by either the chair of the search committee, or the department chair, indicating the exact dates and location of the posting. Forward the posted notice to the UW ISO at Box 351245 for inclusion in the file.
The “Bulletin Board” Notice Template
Heading: Notice of the filing of an Application for Permanent Employment Certification
Body: Paste the full text of the job announcement (advertisement).
Notes: This is not an open job. Recruitment and selection have been completed.
Notice is being provided as a result of filing an Application for Permanent Employment Certification for this job opportunity. Any person may provide documentary evidence bearing on the application (such as information on available workers, wages, working terms and conditions, or other pertinent information) to:
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
Office of Foreign Labor Certification
200 Constitution Avenue NW, Room N– 5311
Washington, DC 20210
This notice was posted in (location) from (date) through (date).
Signature: (person who posted the notice)
Date: (signature date)