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Candidate campus visits

Campus visits should be used to interest the candidate in the University of Washington as well as assess the candidate, so proper planning is important.


  • Schedule the interview visit. Ask whether the candidate has any special requirements or circumstances needing arrangement in advance; if the candidate mentions needing accommodations for a disability, tell the candidate to directly contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or via email at to make any necessary arrangements.
  • Departments may either give the candidate the name of a travel agent to contact to insure that the state contract rates are used or make the travel arrangements for the candidate.
  • Department develops an itinerary for each candidate and selects one faculty member to serve as the host for the candidate during the visit. The itinerary may consist of:
    • Meetings with individual or groups of faculty
    • Meeting with the search committee
    • Faculty, graduate student, seminar or class presentations
    • Meeting with the dean (send dean a copy of candidate’s packet)
    • Tours of facilities
    • Informal gatherings
    • Meals
  • A campus host is determined by the department, and that person is responsible for seeing that the candidate makes it to all of the meetings and for helping to answer the candidate’s questions.
  • Send the candidate a copy of the itinerary, information about University of Washington, Seattle, Tacoma or Bothell, etc.
  • A few days prior to the visit, send a reminder or email to the faculty regarding the visit schedule and where the candidate’s file is available for review. If the candidate is giving a formal presentation, post announcements, and send information to interested individuals.

During Visit

  • Arrange transportation from the airport and to the hotel. Assure that the candidate knows the visit itinerary and will be at the first appointment scheduled.
  • Accompany the candidate to and from appointments, to assure that he or she remains on time and does not get lost.
  • Ensure that the candidates meet at some time during the visit with the appropriate administrator to arrange for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Post Visit

  • Search committee solicits comments about the candidate from department faculty. These comments are recorded in the candidate’s file and used in the final selection process.