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Merit voting matrix

*Faculty members in Professorial Tracks and full-time Senior Artists in Residence and full-time Artists in Residence are eligible to vote. In addition, faculty who have retired from  Professorial Tracks–regardless of emeritus status, as well as retired principal lecturer or senior lecturer are also eligible to vote on merit and merit-based salary increases during the quarter(s) they are serving on a part-time basis.

**All faculty, whether serving on a part-time or full-time basis, shall be reviewed annually for merit to arrive at a recommendation for any applicable merit-based salary increase. This applies to all faculty tracks, ranks, and titles including those serving in visiting, acting, clinical, or affiliate appointments.


Rank or Title of Faculty Member** Faculty Eligible to Vote on Merit*
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Clinical Professor, Salaried
  • Clinical Professor, Non-salaried
  • Clinical Professor, Dental Pathway
  • Affiliate Professor
  • Acting Professor
  • Visiting Professor
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor WOT
  • Associate Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Clinical Associate Professor, Salaried
  • Clinical Associate Professor, Non-salaried
  • Clinical Associate Professor, Dental Pathway
  • Affiliate Associate Professor
  • Acting Associate Professor
  • Visiting Associate Professor
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor WOT
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Salaried
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Non-Salaried
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Dental Pathway
  • Affiliate Assistant Professor
  • Acting Assistant Professor
  • Visiting Assistant Professor
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor Tenure Track
  • Associate Professor WOT
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Senior Artist in Residence, full-time or part-time
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor WOT
  • Associate Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor WOT
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Professor of Practice
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor WOT
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor Tenure Track
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor WOT
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Senior Artist in Residence, full-time
  • Lecturer full-time or part-time
  • Visiting Lecturer
  • Affiliate Lecturer
  • Artist in Residence, full-time or part-time
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor WOT
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor Tenure Track
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor WOT
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Senior Artist in Residence, full-time
  • Acting Instructor
  • Clinical Instructor, Salaried
  • Clinical Instructor, Non-Salaried
  • Affiliate Instructor
  • Teaching Associate
  • Professor
  • Professor WOT
  • Professor Tenure Track
  • Research Professor
  • Teaching Professor
  • Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor WOT
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Associate Professor Tenure Track
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor WOT
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice
  • Senior Artist in Residence, full-time
  • Artist in Residence, full-time


Voting Guidelines Summarizes general voting guidelines for faculty
Faculty Code Section 24-55 Establishes “Procedure for Salary Increases Based Upon Merit”
24-55B: Merit and salary of each faculty member below the rank and title of professor shall be considered by the voting members of the department superior in rank and title.
24-55C: The chair of a department, or dean of an undepartmentalized school/college shall consider the merit and salary of each full professor in their unit with the advice of the full professors based on a procedure approved by the voting members of the unit.
Faculty Code Section 24-57 Establishes “Procedural Safeguards for Merit-Based Salary”
Executive Order 45 Documentation of Qualifications and Recommendations for Promotion, Tenure, and Merit Increases