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Faculty Advancement Initiative

About the Faculty Advancement Initiative

The Faculty Advancement Initiative (FAI) supports collaborations with departments, schools, colleges, and campuses to advance the careers of faculty, with priority given to supporting faculty who enhance the University’s diversity mission in their research, teaching, service, or outreach. The Faculty Advancement Initiative can help with cost-sharing and logistical support for projects and events that affect groups or cohorts of faculty (e.g., training targeted to assistant professors working toward tenure or associate professors working toward promotion; opportunities for leadership development).

Funding and Cost-Sharing

A total of $50,000 will be available annually. Typically, the Faculty Advancement Initiative will provide no more than one-third of the required funds in a cost-sharing arrangement with departments, colleges, schools, and/or campuses.

Eligibility and Proposal Criteria

Requests for support from the Faculty Advancement Initiative should be made by deans or by department chairs in consultation with their deans in a brief email or attachment (no more than one page). Criteria to consider:

  • How will the proposal help enhance the unit’s diversity mission?
  • How will the proposal help faculty advance toward tenure, promotion, or leadership?
  • How many faculty members will the proposal engage or assist?
  • Has the unit reached out to potential allies to help support the proposal?
  • How will the unit measure the proposal’s impact or success?

Application Process

Requests should be submitted via email, detailing how the initiative aligns with the above criteria.

Contact Information

Send inquiries and requests to Chadwick Allen, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and Faculty Inclusive Excellence, at