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Preparing for 2020-21 Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Cycle

Step 1 – Mandatory P&T: Academic HR (AHR) provided dean/chancellors’ offices with a list of academic personnel for whom, according to Workday, a mandatory promotion/award of tenure decision must be reached during the 2020-21 academic year. Dean/chancellors’ offices must review this list for accuracy and note any discrepancies with their own records. If there are any discrepancies in the list, contact AHR immediately with any corrections.

Step 2 – Non-Mandatory P&T: Dean/chancellors’ offices must fill out the 2020-21 Non-Mandatory Promotions spreadsheet provided by AHR. Populate this list with the names of all academic personnel in each school/college/campus who are being considered for non-mandatory promotion in the 2020-21 academic year. Collecting these names prior to receiving non-mandatory P&T records is immensely helpful for tracking cases throughout this process. Email a completed copy to AHR before September 18, 2020 (October 16, 2020 for UW Libraries).

Step 3 – Candidate Materials: Reach out to candidates and ensure all candidates’ review materials are up to date. Prior to submitting P&T records for final review, all academic personnel submitting applications for promotion and/or tenure must update their CV and have applicable peer and student teaching evaluations included in the P&T record.

Step 4 – Workday Records: Unit administrators should ensure the following Workday fields are completed and correct for all academic personnel being considered for promotion and/or tenure. This will expedite the review process, as we rely on this history during our review.

  • Education history
  • Appointment dates
  • Joint appointments
  • Dual appointments
  • FTE, roster percent and tenure values

Step 5 – Waiver Years (NEW THIS YEAR!): In addition to the items above, a custom object has been added to Workday which allows more visibility into tracking waiver years for clock-managed faculty and librarians (see Step 7 of the Update Academic Appointment Track user guide). Tracking waiver years is crucial to the administration of promotion and/or tenure cases, so all previously approved waiver years should be added manually to academic records for all faculty and librarians being reviewed for promotion and/or tenure this year.

Follow the steps in the above-mentioned user guide to enter these waiver years into Workday. Use the reason code Mandatory Promotion Clock Adjustments > Other (AHR reason only), do not change the end date of the appointment, and choose the academic year(s) that should be waived from the dropdown menu. Enter “2020-2021 P&T Waiver Update” into the comment field. These actions should be completed for all mandatory and non-mandatory P&T cases prior to December 1, 2020. 

Step 6 – P&T Checklist: Download the 2020-21 Promotion and Tenure Recommendation Checklist. Use this checklist to ensure all materials are included in each P&T record and attach a copy of the completed checklist as the cover sheet for all mandatory, non-mandatory and non-mandatory early P&T records. Contents of each P&T record must be arranged in the order outlined on the checklist.

Important Dates

Non-mandatory promotion lists due to AHR – September 18, 2020
AHR Promotion and Tenure Training – September 22, 2020
Librarian non-mandatory promotion lists due to AHR – October 16, 2020
All Workday updates complete for academic personnel being reviewed for promotion and/or tenure in 2020-21 – December 1, 2020
Mandatory promotion decisions due to AHR – December 15, 2020
Non-mandatory promotion decisions due to AHR – February 5, 2021
Non-mandatory clinical and affiliate promotions due to AHR – March 5, 2021
Librarian promotions due to AHR – May 1, 2021

University of Washington to Implement a New Professorial Teaching Track

Professorial Teaching Track Overview

In Spring 2020, UW’s voting-eligible faculty approved legislation proposing the establishment of a professorial track focusing primarily on teaching. The Faculty Senate then approved companion legislation that described how the new track should be implemented. The information that follows describes key components of the legislation.


The new professorial teaching track officially goes into effect on September 16, 2020. Faculty members whose titles will be changed as a result of the approved legislation are allowed to use their new title informally, but will not acquire voting rights or other privileges provided for by the approved legislation until the official effective date.

The Office of Academic Personnel (OAP), in partnership with the Integrated Service Center (ISC) and in consultation with academic units, is in the process of updating UW systems to accommodate the new professorial teaching track. Conversion in the Workday system is scheduled to occur by September 17—the day after the legislation goes into effect. This will avoid conflicting with other transactions typically processed on the first day of the academic year (e.g., promotions) and will help ensure a smoother conversion. Although conversions will be processed by September 17, they will be effective retroactive to September 16, 2020 as provided for by the approved legislation. OAP will be working closely with units to make sure everyone is converted accurately.

Title/Rank Information

The below titles will convert effective September 16, 2020:

Current Title  After Conversion
Principal Lecturer Teaching Professor
Senior Lecturer Full-Time Associate Teaching Professor
Senior Lecturer Part-Time Associate Teaching Professor
Lecturer Full-Time Assistant Teaching Professor
Adjunct Principal Lecturer Adjunct Teaching Professor
Adjunct Senior Lecturer Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor
Adjunct Lecturer Adjunct Assistant Teaching Professor

Lecturers in temporary or part-time appointments, senior lecturers in quarterly appointments, and existing retirees and emeritus lecturers will not convert to or be affected by the new professorial teaching track. Those who convert as outlined above and then retire on or after September 16, 2020 will hold a professorial teaching track retiree title if re-employed or–if awarded–a professorial teaching track emeritus appointment.

All titles listed in the Current Title column above will no longer be used after September 16, 2020.

Appointment Information

Faculty converting to the new professorial teaching track will have a new rank after conversion as outlined above. They will not, however, experience any change in the duration of their appointment. The legislation provides for new maximum appointment periods for multiple year appointments, however, changing a faculty member’s appointment period is only possible at the time of reappointment (not conversion). Those converting should also not experience a change in benefits or salary unless their current salary needs to be brought up to the professorial faculty salary minimum which is different from the lecturer salary minimum.

Frequently Asked Questions

Besides a change in title, are there other changes resulting from the conversion?

Yes. The legislation has implications for voting eligibility, duration of multi-year appointments, and track changes among other things. Faculty and units impacted by the conversion should review the legislation for a comprehensive understanding of associated changes. OAP subject-/process-specific web pages (e.g., promotion, voting, sabbaticals, secondary appointments, etc.) are a good resource and will be updated accordingly.

My unit currently has an active, open recruitment for a Senior Lecturer Full-Time position. Should we update our job posting and advertisements to reflect the new professorial teaching track rank (e.g., Associate Teaching Professor)?

No. Active job postings and advertisements should remain unchanged and continue with the title that was originally posted/approved on the hiring plan.

My unit has wrapped up a recruitment for a Lecturer Full-Time position and will be processing the hire through Workday prior to September 16, 2020. Should we process the new hire using the new professorial teaching rank?

The new track and corresponding ranks will not be available in Workday prior to September 16. If processing a new hire in Workday prior to September 16, 2020, the unit should process the hire using the title that was recruited for/approved on the hiring plan. If the title is eligible for conversion, the new hire will be converted to the corresponding professorial teaching track rank as part of the Workday conversion project.

When is it appropriate to hire a part-time or temporary lecturer vs. an assistant teaching professor?

Criteria used to inform a decision to recruit for one title over another are determined at the local level and may take into consideration many factors including, but not limited to programmatic need, availability of resources, or other local considerations. The Provost’s Lecturer Guidelines, which offers additional guidance on these titles, will be updated later in the autumn quarter.

If you have any questions about the new professorial teaching track or about the upcoming conversion, please reach out to your academic HR specialist.