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Tenure split offer letter templates

Template offer letter language:

It is a pleasure to inform you that [primary unit] and [secondary unit] have recommended your appointment at the rank of [title], effective [month dd, yyyy]. Your primary appointment will be in [primary unit]. You will have voting rights [in both units/in primary unit only]. Your tenure [eligibility] will be [##] percent in [primary unit] and [##] percent in [secondary unit]. Your primary appointment must include at least 50 percent tenure [eligibility]. Should your primary appointment in [primary unit] end, your joint appointment in [secondary unit] would need to have at least 50 percent tenure (eligibility) to continue.

[This would be where you could reference an MOU if you have one.]

Example, with voting rights in both units:

It is a pleasure to inform you that the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Physics have recommended your appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective September 16, 2015. Your primary appointment will be in Electrical Engineering. You will have voting rights in both units. Your tenure eligibility will be 67 percent in Electrical Engineering and 33 percent in Physics. Your primary appointment must include at least 50 percent tenure eligibility. Should your primary appointment in Electrical Engineering end, your joint appointment in Physics would need to have at least 50 percent tenure eligibility to continue.

Example, with voting rights only in the primary unit:

It is a pleasure to inform you that the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Physics have recommended your appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective September 16, 2015. Your primary appointment will be in Electrical Engineering. You will have voting rights in Electrical Engineering only. Your tenure eligibility will be 67 percent in Electrical Engineering and 33 percent in Physics. Your primary appointment must include at least 50 percent tenure eligibility. Should your primary appointment in Electrical Engineering end, your joint appointment in Physics would need to have at least 50 percent tenure eligibility to continue.