Step 1 – Mandatory P&T: Academic HR (AHR) shares with dean/chancellors’ offices lists of academic personnel for whom, according to Workday, a mandatory promotion/award of tenure decision must be reached during the 2022-23 academic year.
Dean/chancellors’ offices must review this list for accuracy and note any discrepancies using the new limited-access shared folder system. If there are any discrepancies in the list, contact AHR immediately with corrections.
Step 2 – Non-Mandatory P&T: Dean/chancellors’ offices must populate the 2022-23 Expected Non-Mandatory Template with the names of all academic personnel being considered for non-mandatory promotion in the 2022-23 academic year. These templates can be found in the new limited-access shared folder system.
Collecting these names prior to receiving non-mandatory P&T records is critical for accurately tracking cases throughout this process. Templates should be completed before September 9, 2022 (October 21 for UW Libraries).
Step 3 – Candidate Materials: Reach out to candidates and ensure all their materials are up-to-date.
IMPORTANT: An updated CV and a complete record of peer and student teaching evaluations must be included in the P&T record.
Step 4 – Workday Records: Unit administrators should use the Pre-Record Submission Workday Checklist to ensure Workday fields are complete and correct for all academic personnel being considered for promotion and/or tenure.
Step 5 – P&T Checklist: Use the 2022-23 Promotion and Tenure Recommendation Checklist to ensure all materials are included in each P&T record. Attach a copy of the completed checklist as the cover sheet for all mandatory, non-mandatory and non-mandatory early P&T records.
Note: Contents of each P&T record must be arranged in the order outlined on the checklist.
Dean/chancellor’s office administrators should review the P&T Submission User Guide prior to submitting completed P&T records.
Important Dates
Non-mandatory promotion lists due to AHR – September 9, 2022
AHR Promotion and Tenure Training – September 21, 2022
All Workday updates complete for academic personnel being reviewed for promotion and/or tenure in 2022-23 – December 1, 2022
Mandatory P&T records due to AHR – December 12, 2022
Non-mandatory P&T records due to AHR – February 1, 2023
Non-mandatory clinical and affiliate P&T records due to AHR – March 1, 2023
Librarian promotion records due to AHR – April 28, 2023