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Updates to ISO Visa Request Tool

On January 15 OAP will release some updates to our visa request tool. Due to the updates there will be an outage from noon to 2pm when the tool, including visa request forms, will be unavailable. These updates introduce a new required J-1 amendment form and functionality for creating new and managing existing requests.

Here’s what you will notice:

  • The new J-1 amendment form:
    • Will be required going forward to change program dates, biographic information, funding information, or certain other information for J-1 exchange visitors.
    • Can be created from an existing visa request, in which case most of the fields will be filled in already, or they can be created “from scratch”.
    • Does not replace the Request Family DS-2019 form and cannot be used to add J-2 dependents at this time.
  • A new launch page that allows administrators to easily find existing visa requests and create new requests.
  • The ability to manage visa request files from the submitted J visa requests and submitted H visa requests pages.
    • Instead of emailing files through ISO’s ticketing system (RT), department administrators will be able to upload files by browsing to a list of visa requests and selecting Actions -> Manage files.
    • ISO will also be able to send files to department administrators through the visa request tool. Whenever a file is added, department administrators will receive an automated update.
    • Note: Files sent to or from ISO by email will not appear; only files uploaded via the visa request tool will be visible.
  • “Copy to new” functionality for J-1 and H-1B visa requests from the submitted J visa requests and submitted H visa requests pages:
    • Administrators will be able to select an existing visa request and use Actions -> Copy to New to create a new visa request from that existing request. This can be used to facilitate extension requests.
  • School/college/campus (S/C/C) level access can be granted for designated administrators to see all visa requests for that S/C/C. Access can be requested by contacting

The above improvements have been made based on unit feedback; we appreciate any additional comments on this tool!

2021-01-15: The updates are live; form links have been added.