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Academic data request form

Data Request

Multiple email addresses should be separated by a comma

Non-UW requests should be submitted through UW's Public Records Office

This will be the "name" of your request. Some examples would be "History Faculty Demographics" or "Engineering Accreditation Report"
Is this request for accreditation or external funding purposes?
If there is a form you are completing or a set of questions you are responding to, please be prepared to provide a copy of the form or the list of the questions being asked, we will request this via email at a later date.

Population Details

Which population(s) needs to be included?
Requests for staff-only data should be directed to UWHR's HRIS team.
Please note that the Office of Academic Personnel is unable to process requests for student data. Please reach out to the Public Records Office to request student data.
Position or Academic Appointment data?*
Positions are linked to compensation, and reflect the person's primary functional role at the University - most people only have one position.
Academic appointments represent the full depth and breadth of a person's academic relationship with the university - many people have multiple academic appointments. Academic appointment data is only available for academic personnel.

We can only report on academic appointment or position data, reporting on combined data is not possible.

Include Subordinate or Child Organizations?

More information about academic titles and ranks can be found here.
Details of academic titles and ranks, and job profiles can also be found here, UW NetID required for access.
Scope of Appointments/Positions*
Including all appointments/positions could result in a single person being included in the data set multiple times.

If you are requesting details for a specific group of individuals (identifiable by employee ID or NetID), we will request that list via email at a later date.

Dates for request

Dates to include*
Date range data is not available prior to July 1, 2017 due to database conversion as of that date.
Please note that position data can not be provided for a date range.
Year(s) for Snapshot(s)
For requests for demographic data, the University's snapshot date is October 31. We can prepare reports based on other dates if the request is for other types of data, but we will need those dates to be specified below.

Minimum date is 07/01/2017

Two digit values are required for month and day. The year must be a four digit value.

Additional Details of Request

Effective September 27, 2023, all requests for demographic data should be directed to Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) via email. Any requests for demographic data received through this form will be forwarded to EOAA.

Our standard delivery timeframe is two weeks. If you are requesting delivery in less than two weeks, please describe the reason for the rush request in the section above.
If you require demographic details for populations or groupings that will likely include fewer than 5 individuals, an additional one to two weeks may be required to conduct the necessary review and acquire approvals.
We adhere to UW’s Privacy Policy
For questions, please email