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UW Establishes New Professorial Teaching Track


In April, the University of Washington’s voting-eligible faculty approved legislation to amend the UW Faculty Code and establish a new professorial teaching track. Select UW lecturers, senior lecturers, and principal lecturers who meet specific eligibility criteria set forth in the approved legislation will convert to assistant teaching professor, associate teaching professor, and teaching professor ranks, respectively. Not all lecturer titles are eligible to convert, so units should not notify faculty or otherwise alter appointment/reappointment letters at this time. The Office for Academic Personnel and Faculty (APF) is working with the Integrated Service Center (ISC) to plan for and centrally-manage the conversion of eligible academic personnel into this new track with the goal of completing the conversion on September 16, 2020.

Planning for Recruitment

Units who prioritize as a critical hire the continuation of an active competitive recruitment for a Lecturer Full-time, Senior Lecturer Full-time, or Senior Lecturer Part-time, must include the proposed hire on their 2020-21 hiring plan submission. This step must be taken regardless of whether or not it was a requirement on their 2019-20 hiring plan. Such recruitments should be included in the hiring plan request using the currently recruited lecturer title(s). Until approved on your 2020-21 hiring plan, these recruitments remain subject to the provost’s restricted hiring protocols as communicated to deans and chancellors.

Units who wish to recruit in the newly created professorial teaching track (assistant teaching professor, associate teaching professor, teaching professor) must include the proposed hires on their 2020-21 hiring plan, which is subject to review and approval by the provost.

In the coming months, APF will follow up with more details about how the conversion will work, how to approach new professorial teaching track hires, and what academic units can do to support a smooth transition.

Tax update for J-1 Exchange Visitors

J-1 exchange visitors (and any J-2 dependents) who were in the United States during 2019 must file paperwork with the IRS even if they had no U.S. income or were covered by a tax treaty, and even if they are no longer in the country.

Please inform the exchange visitors in your department that they may use GLACIER Tax Prep, a free, secure web-based program that prepares the appropriate forms and provides step-by-step instructions and assistance for foreign nationals who are nonresidents for tax purposes. GLACIER Tax Prep is available through International Student Services on their Tax Information page, and will remain available through at least July of this year to reflect delayed tax filing deadlines. GLACIER can be accessed without an active UW NetID.

Please note that according to the Department of State, J-1 exchange visitors who do not meet the IRS definition of “resident alien” are not eligible to receive the $1,200 Recovery Rebates distributed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

ISO staff do not give tax advice and are unable to answer even basic tax questions. J-1 exchange visitors can contact the IRS for further information, or use a private tax preparation service if they so choose. The IRS maintains a specific page for J-1 exchange visitors.

Clinical/Affiliate Electronic Submission Pilot Instructions for Dean/Chancellor Office Administrators


For the 2019-2020 promotion and tenure cycle, the Office of Academic Personnel is offering a pilot program for units interested in uploading clinical/affiliate packets electronically.

Promotion and Tenure Packet Contents

Upload documents to our secure submission folder through Sharepoint.

Packets need to be a single PDF organized in the following order:

Affiliate and clinical courtesy appointments:

  • Dean/chancellor’s letter
  • Chair/campus dean’s* letter
  • Updated CV
  • Additional materials, if any, added to the end

Clinical (salaried) appointments:

  • Dean/chancellor’s letter
  • Chair/campus dean’s* letter
  • 2 or more reference letters
  • Updated CV
  • Additional materials, if any, added to the end

If UW-Bothell STEM, campus dean letter would be followed by the divisional head letter

Preparing to submit packets

Email with the list of people who should have Sharepoint access for your school/college/campus. People who have access will be able to read, write, and delete packets until they are submitted.

OAP will share the Sharepoint submission site link with authorized users. Please confirm that the link can be accessed.

In the submission folder, there will be an Excel file called “Packets to Expect”. Please add a row for each packet that will be submitted in 2019-2020. This will help us confirm that we have received and processed all packets from your school/college/campus.

For example:

EID Name Department
123456789 Smith, Jane Department of Applied Mathematics

Pro Tip: If you have a large volume of packets, you may want to use the Sharepoint “sync” button to synchronize the secure submission folder to your local computer. If you use the Sharepoint “sync” button, from time to time, please check your computer’s OneDrive for sync errors.

Submitting packets

To upload a packet to Sharepoint you will need to have:

  • Candidate’s employee ID (EID)
  • Candidate’s name
  • PDF of candidate’s packet

Submission folder structure

Units need to create one unique folder per candidate so that OAP can add other internal materials, such as our “data sheet,” to the folder later.

The submission folder needs to be structured as follows:

If departmentalized:
Submission Folder/
Folder name: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>>/
Filename: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>>.pdf

For example:
Folder: School of Medicine Submission
Sub-folder: Department of Medicine
Sub/sub-folder: 012345678 Smith, Alex
File: 01234578 Smith, Alex.pdf
Sub-folder: 123456789 Smith, Jane/
File: 123456789 Smith, Jane.pdf

If not departmentalized:
Submission Folder/
Folder name: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>>
Filename: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>>.pdf

For example:
Folder: School of Social Work Submission/
Sub-folder: 012345678 Smith, Alex/
File: 01234578 Smith, Alex.pdf
Sub-folder: 123456789 Smith, Jane/
File: 123456789 Smith, Jane.pdf

Academic HR (AHR) processing

AHR will process submission folders each Friday at 12pm. When this happens, all the packets will be removed from the submission folder–you will no longer see the packets.

However, you will see a zip file at the root of the submission folder. This zip file will include all the packets that AHR processed that week.

Submitting corrected packets

If you are contacted by OAP about a packet correction, you will need to submit a new version of the entire packet to the secure submission folder.

The structure for corrected packets is very similar to the original submission structure, except the PDF filename also needs to include the date of the correction. (This date will help ensure we have the most recent packet if there have been several corrections.)

If departmentalized:
Submission Folder/
Folder name: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>>/
Filename: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>> <<Four Digit Year>>-<<Two Digit Month>>-<<Two Digit Day>>.pdf

For example:
Folder: School of Medicine Submission/
Sub-folder: Department of Medicine/
Sub/sub-folder: 012345678 Smith, Alex/
File: 01234578 Smith, Alex 2020-01-01.pdf
Sub/sub-folder: 123456789 Smith, Jane/
File: 123456789 Smith, Jane 2020-01-01.pdf

If not departmentalized:
Submission Folder/
Folder name: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>>/
Filename: <<Employee ID>> <<Employee Last Name>>, <<Employee First Name>> <<Four Digit Year>>-<<Two Digit Month>>-<<Two Digit Day>>.pdf

For example:
Folder: School of Social Work Submission/
Sub-folder: 012345678 Smith, Alex/
File: 01234578 Smith, Alex 2020-01-01.pdf
Sub-folder: 123456789 Smith, Jane/
File: 123456789 Smith, Jane 2020-01-01.pdf

Depending on the urgency of these corrected packets, they will either be processed as part of the weekly schedule or processed immediately. Note: Files that are processed immediately will not be included in a zip file of processed packets.