Postdoctoral Scholar - Atmospheric Sciences (Marine Cloud Systems)

Position Overview

School / Campus / College: College of the Environment

Organization: Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Postdoctoral Scholar - Atmospheric Sciences (Marine Cloud Systems)

Position Details

Position Description

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington is seeking a Postdoctoral Scholar to undertake research to better understand convective organization of shallow marine cloud systems in the Tropics. Areas of study may include observational analysis with satellite and field observations, cloud-resolving modeling, and observationally-based evaluation of global/regional atmospheric models. We are especially interested in candidates who have experience in one or more of the following areas: cloud physics; cloud-climate interactions; cloud feedback processes; satellite and in-situ observational analyses; numerical modeling.

Appointments are 100% FTE for 12 months, renewable for a second 12 months subject to approval and availability of funding. A Postdoctoral Scholar is an academic appointment that requires evidence of a conferred Ph.D. by the appointment start date and candidates cannot exceed five years of Postdoctoral experience prior to the end of an appointment. Together with a competitive salary, a small research/travel budget and/or a relocation stipend might be included. The salary range is between $65,508 and $71,000 a year, depending on prior postdoctoral experience (which cannot exceed 3 years prior experience at the time of hire)


Candidates must have an earned a Ph.D. or foreign equivalent in Atmospheric Sciences or a closely related field (at the time of appointment), and a background in cloud-related research.


It is preferred that candidates have: experience with atmospheric modeling at LES, cloud-resolving or global scales, experience with analysis of observational datasets (particularly those required for forcing and testing cloud-resolving models), and have a strong programming background as well as sufficient verbal and written communication skills.


To apply, please submit the following application materials:

  • A cover letter outlining current research accomplishments and a statement of how your experience meets the requirements for the postdoctoral position.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Names and contact information for two professional references; please do not include letters of reference.

Consideration of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. For questions about the positions, please contact Professor Robert Wood ( by email. For questions about potential disability accommodation during the application process, please contact the UW's Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450, or 206-543-6452 (TTY), or

Union Information

Postdoctoral scholars at the University of Washington are exclusively represented by the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO Local 4121 for purposes of wages, hours, and working conditions. Please be advised that any and all agreements between UW and UAW may result in adjustments effective during your appointment including, among other things, a change in the title of your appointment. The University maintains individual personnel files and you may access your personnel file in accordance with the provisions in the personnel files article of the collective bargaining agreement.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status.

Benefits Information

A summary of benefits associated with this title/rank can be found at Appointees solely employed and paid directly by a non-UW entity are not UW employees and are not eligible for UW or Washington State employee benefits.

Commitment to Diversity

The University of Washington is committed to building diversity among its faculty, librarian, staff, and student communities, and articulates that commitment in the UW Diversity Blueprint ( Additionally, the University’s Faculty Code recognizes faculty efforts in research, teaching and/or service that address diversity and equal opportunity as important contributions to a faculty member’s academic profile and responsibilities (

Privacy Notice

Review the University of Washington Privacy Notice for Demographic Data of Job Applicants and University Personnel to learn how your demographic data are protected, when the data may be used, and your rights.

Disability Services

To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or