FY25 Process Guide
(Updated: Sept 4, 2024)
UPDATE: For merit guidance on student advising and Continuum College positions included in the recent PERC petitions, please click here.
This process guide is intended to assist units in preparing and submitting merit and faculty unit adjustment salary increase recommendations for non-represented faculty, librarians, academic staff, and professional staff. Unless otherwise noted, the following information does not apply to employees represented by collective bargaining agreements; such populations will receive salary adjustments as outlined in their respective labor contracts, which can be found on the Labor Relations website.
In years where increases are authorized, such authorization comes from the provost. Authorization letters outline specific salary increase mechanisms, percentages, and parameters. Once issued, authorization documents will be available at on the UW Merit & Faculty Unit Adjustments webpage.
Personnel responsible for preparing and submitting salary increase recommendations should review the authorization letter applicable to their campus and all sections of this process guide. As details can change from year to year, do not assume past guidance applies. Release of the process guide in advance of official authorization does not signify or represent authorization; rather, it allows units to get a head start on preparation.
FY25 Authorization Status: AUTHORIZED
For details on salary increase eligibility, review the merit authorization letter applicable to your campus as well as the list of Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process.
The table below outlines major activities and deadlines associated with preparation and submission.
(APF=Office for Academic Personnel and Faculty; UWHR=UW Human Resources; UW-IT=UW Information Technology)
Date | Action | Related Content/Notes |
Now-Jul 31 | Units run R0536; initiate corrective action for data that is incorrect. | Preparation & Data Clean-Up Using Merit Data Audit Report R0536 |
Jul 31 | DEADLINE for completion of all Workday data clean up | Preparation & Data Clean-Up Using Merit Data Audit Report R0536 |
Aug 1 | Workday Restricted Entry Period begins | Restricted Entry Period |
Aug 1 | UWHR pulls data for official merit/unit adjustment files (“official file”) | Preparation & Data Clean-Up |
Aug 2-5 | UWHR distributes official files to units | |
Aug 5-16 | Units enter recommendations onto official file(s); may not notify employees of increases until directed by APF/UWHR | File Submission Process Merit Reason Codes |
Aug 16 | DEADLINE for units to submit completed official files | File Submission Process |
Aug 16-Sep 1 | APF and UWHR conduct institutional review; unit contacts available for questions | |
Sep 3 | APF and UWHR notify units of outcomes | |
Sep 5-9 | UW-IT loads new salary rates into Workday | |
Sep 9-13 | Units validate salary rates in Workday using R0537 | Load & Validation of Data Corrections & Changes |
Sep 11 (updated on 9/4/24) |
New 9/1 salary rates visible to employees in Workday | NOTE: Revised from 9/9 to align with end of merit restrictions and allow units more time to validate. |
Sep 11 | Workday Restricted Entry Period ends | |
Sep 13 | DEADLINE for units to notify HRhelp@uw.edu of necessary corrections | Corrections & Changes |
Sep 16 | DEADLINE for units to notify employees of approved increases | |
Sep 19 | UWHR notifies campus that salary increase data has been loaded | |
Sep 25 | Salary increases that were loaded into Workday appear on pay slips |
Units must review and ensure data used in the merit and faculty unit adjustment process is correct. If errors are identified, units must complete corrective action by July 31. Completion means no approval steps remain on the Workday business process. Addressing data errors helps ensure that accurate information is pulled into official merit/unit adjustment spreadsheets (“official file”).
The official files–created and distributed by UWHR in early August–contain Workday data that projects what each merit-eligible employee’s record will look like on August 31. This date is important since salary increases will be calculated on the projected August 31 full-time monthly base salary. When verifying and cleaning up data, it is especially important to confirm pay and position details as of this date.
NOTE: During the clean-up process, do not submit or save draft transactions with an effective date of September 1 or later; they will be rescinded.
- Run the Merit Data Audit Report R0536 (“R0536”) available in Workday
- Review and confirm the following data:
- All merit-eligible employees show up on the report
- Supervisory organization is correct
- Full-time monthly base pay is accurate
- Compensation is a non-zero number
- Practice plan allowance (if one exists) has been updated commensurate with the FTE
- If UW employment will continue, Compensation Actual End Date extends beyond August 31 and matches End Employment Date on the position
- If UW employment will end prior to September 1, a termination has been processed and fully completed in Workday; employees terminated prior to September 1 are not eligible for merit
- Initiate corrective action in Workday if you identify data errors during the above review; ensure all approvals associated with corrective action are completed by July 31.
- Run R0536 again after errors have been addressed to verify data is correct. Errors will continue to show on the report until the corrective transaction completes through the associated approval chain. Re-run the report regularly to check for new errors.
- Keep on top of your data clean-up deadlines. Remember, the deadline for data clean-up is July 31. Failure to run R0536 and clean data accordingly could cause serious errors with the data load into Workday and result in a delay of salary increase, over/underpayment, or significant time/effort/frustration for unit staff, campus partners, and merit recipients.
- Discuss anticipated increases with all impacted units. Units that share funding for a position must discuss the anticipated increase with all impacted units. An employee’s approved increase will be distributed proportionally to the existing costing allocation.
- Know your eligible populations. Unless otherwise indicated in Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process, salaried personnel in paid status, including faculty with courtesy or part-time appointments, are eligible and will appear on the official file.
- Don’t zero out compensation. Employees with zero compensation will not be on the official file. Do not zero out compensation as a means of delaying the termination or reappointment process. Doing so is against university policy and will result in serious data errors.
- Avoid restricted transactions. As indicated in Restricted Entry Period, select transactions are restricted beginning in August. Once approved salary increases are successfully loaded, restrictions will be lifted and units will be able to enter new transactions freely. Transactions that block the merit process will be cancelled, including transactions that have been drafted or ‘saved’ for future processing
The Merit Data Audit Report R0536 (“R0536”) is an important part of the clean-up process. When using the report, keep the following in mind:
- By default, R0536 displays information projected for August 31. For merit preparation purposes, units should not change the report date.
- Data is extracted based on supervisory organization.
- R0536 looks only at merit-eligible job profiles. Review Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process and the merit authorization letter applicable to your campus for details on merit eligibility.
- If a single worker has unique position numbers in different supervisory organizations, R0536 only displays positions belonging to your supervisory organization. Units with faculty who hold joint appointments must work with the joint unit to agree upon and match recommended percent increases.
- Compensation information is displayed in full-time monthly rates
- ‘End Employment Date’ ,‘General Salary Plan Actual End Date’ and ‘Practice Plan Actual End Date’ are displayed only if they exist in Workday
- ‘Date of Last Base Pay Change’ is the date of the most recent transaction in Workday that may have changed UW base pay. NOTE: Some compensation change actions in Workday don’t result in a change in actual compensation (e.g., Extend Compensation End Date). Units should review the employee’s Workday record to understand whether a change in compensation actually occurred that could serve as a basis for precluding the individual from a salary increase.
To support an accurate data load, select Workday transactions need to be restricted for merit-eligible populations. Other job profiles, including those listed in Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process, are not restricted.
The restricted entry period is August 1 – September 11. Review the table below for details on specific restrictions.
NOTE: Termination, Costing Allocation, One Time Payment, and Period Activity Pay transactions as well as transactions utilizing UW Hires are not restricted at any point during merit preparation. Terminations should be processed in Workday in a timely manner.
Restricted Entry Period: August 1 – September 11
Process | Transaction Type | Restriction Details |
Request Compensation Change | Base Pay Change-Prostaff & Academic Personnel | Restricted for all effective dates |
Request Compensation Change | Base Pay Change-Ingrade Adjustments/Retention | Restricted for all effective dates |
Request Compensation Change | Allowance Change associated with Practice Plans | Restricted for all effective dates |
Request Compensation Change | Allowance Change (e.g., ADS, TPI, TPS) | Restricted if effective on/after 9/1 |
Change Job | Promotion | Restricted for all effective dates |
Change Job | Lateral Move | Restricted for all effective dates |
Change Job | Transfer | Restricted for all effective dates |
Change Job | Demotion | Restricted for all effective dates |
Change Job Data Change | FTE Change | Restricted if effective on/after 9/1 |
Change Job Data Change | Extend End Date/Reappointment | Restricted if effective on/after 9/1 |
Change Job Data Change | Location Change | Restricted if effective on/after 9/1 and FTE or End Employment Date is changed |
Change Job Data Change | Work Shift Change | Restricted if effective on/after 9/1 and FTE or End Employment Date is changed |
In early August, UWHR will coordinate distribution of official files to units for each population authorized for salary increases. Do not add rows to the official file as that may compromise embedded formulas and data accuracy.
The official file is a spreadsheet. To complete it, the unit will complete the following steps:
STEP 1: Enter a Merit Reason Code
- Choose the most applicable merit reason code from the drop-down menu in the merit reason code column
- Review Merit Reason Codes for definitions and guidance
- If requested, units must provide documentation to support their selection
STEP 2: Enter recommended merit percentage
- Faculty merit percentages must be either 0% or 2%; no other values are permitted
- Librarians who are meritorious and not otherwise precluded may receive an increase between 0.5% – 10% provided the average across the unit’s academic staff population does not exceed 3%; if individual will not receive a merit increase, enter “0%”
- Academic staff as defined in APS 40.1 who meritorious and not otherwise precluded may receive an increase between 0.5% – 10% provided the average across the unit’s academic staff population does not exceed 3%; if individual will not receive a merit increase, enter “0%”
- Professional staff who are meritorious and not otherwise precluded may receive an increase between 0.5% – 10% provided the average across the unit’s professional staff population does not exceed 3%; if individual will not receive a merit increase, enter “0%”. UPDATE: For merit guidance on student advising and Continuum College positions included in the recent PERC petitions, please click here.
- For jointly appointed faculty, the primary appointing unit must have the concurrence of the secondary unit(s). The increase will be applied to the primary appointing unit, unless the joint appointment exists across two positions in which case each position will receive the same percentage increase.
- For non-faculty files, a cell at the top of the file will track the unit’s merit percent average. This is a rolling average and will only be accurate once you enter recommended increases (including o%) for every employee on the file.
STEP 3 (Faculty Only): Enter recommended CENTRAL unit adjustment [“CUA”] percentage
- Confirm faculty member meets CUA eligibility criteria:
- Determined to be meritorious in the 2023-24 academic year; and
- Has not had a retention adjustment since September 1, 2023
- Enter proposed CUA percentage
- Individual adjustments must be between 0.5% and 10%; if individual will not receive a CUA, enter “0%”
- Equal ‘across-the-board’ CUA distribution is permissible
- For jointly appointed faculty, the primary appointing unit must have the concurrence of the secondary unit(s). The increase will be applied to the primary appointing unit, unless the joint appointment exists across two positions in which case each position will receive the same percentage increase.
- Ensure that the average CUA across the eligible population does not exceed 1%. A cell at the top of the file will track the unit’s CUA percent average. This is a rolling average and will only be accurate once you enter recommended CUA increases (including o%) for every employee on the file.
- Complete ‘Methodology & Consultation’ tab on official file to document the distribution methodology and confirm required consultation (See APPENDIX for details)
STEP 4 (Faculty Only): Enter recommended LOCAL unit adjustment [“LUA”] percentage
- Confirm faculty member meets LUA eligibility criteria:
- Determined to be meritorious in the 2023-24 academic year; and
- Has not had a retention adjustment since September 1, 2023
- Enter proposed unit adjustment percentage
- Individual adjustments must be between 0.5% and 10%; if individual will not receive an LUA, enter “0%”
- LUA increases should be distributed differentially and should reflect the specific goals outlined in the unit’s proposal. NOTE: unlike the FY25 centrally funded unit adjustment, an equal ‘across-the-board’ distribution is not permitted for the locally funded unit adjustment.
- For jointly appointed faculty, the primary appointing unit must have the concurrence of the secondary unit(s). The increase will be applied to the primary appointing unit, unless the joint appointment exists across two positions in which case each position will receive the same percentage increase.
- Ensure your unit’s total LUA distribution is within the approved allocation. Check the “Local Unit Adjustment Allocation” and “Allocation Used” fields in the top right of your official file. If you are over your allocation, adjust individual distributions accordingly.
STEP 5: As applicable, add detail to the Additional Information column
- Provide additional context that may help APF or UWHR better understand merit recommendations of ‘preclude’ or ‘ineligible’
- If an employee has a retirement, resignation, or termination date effective prior to September 1, but the Workday process was not completed by July 31, note the retirement/resignation/termination effective date and confirm the transaction has been processed in Workday. An employee whose separation is effective after September 1 is eligible for merit.
- If the proposed increase is held in abeyance due to an active inquiry, indicate “Hold in abeyance”
- NOTE: Information in this column is not loaded into Workday
STEP 6: Submit completed spreadsheets by August 16
- Faculty, librarian, and academic staff spreadsheets go to Peg Stuart at mjstuart@uw.edu
- Professional staff spreadsheets go to UWHR at prostaffmerit@uw.edu.
A reminder that all increases–including faculty unit adjustments–are calculated on the projected August 31 full-time monthly base rate, regardless of actual FTE or funding source. New September 1 base rates are rounded up to the nearest dollar.
Academic Personnel Merit Reason Codes & Definitions (jump to Professional Staff)
Merit Reason Code | Academic Personnel Definition |
Meritorious | Reviewed for merit and found meritorious |
Non-meritorious | Reviewed for merit and performance was not found to be meritorious, OR Failed to submit required materials for review |
Precluded-Retention/In-Grade Adjustment | Received a salary increase equal to or greater than 10% as a result of an approved retention which specified preclusion from this merit cycle |
Precluded-New UW Hire | Is within first year of appointment AND was given notice at the time of appointment of preclusion from merit |
Precluded-Reappointment/Job Change | Found to be meritorious, but:
Ineligible-Retire/Resign/Nonrenew |
Include retirement or resignation date in the Comment column on spreadsheet. |
Ineligible-Performance Evaluation not Completed | Individual could not be reviewed due to being on 100% leave for entire/significant majority of the academic year. |
Professional Staff Merit Reason Codes & Definitions (jump to Academic Personnel)
Merit Reason Code | Professional Staff Definition |
Meritorious | Reviewed for merit and found meritorious |
Non-meritorious | Reviewed for merit and performance was not found to be meritorious OR Failed to submit required materials for review |
Precluded-Retention/In-Grade Adjustment | Received a salary increase as a result of an in-grade adjustment since March 31, 2024 |
Precluded-New UW Hire | Was hired by the UW since March 31, 2024. |
Precluded-Reappointment/Job Change | Changed job or sup org since March 31, 2024, AND received an upward salary adjustment since March 31, 2024 OR or had a position review with an upward compensation change.
If employee changed jobs or supervisory orgs, OR had a position review and did not receive an upward salary adjustment since March 31, 2024, they are eligible for a merit increase unless they were notified of preclusion. |
Precluded-Position in Collective Bargaining | For employees in positions included in recent Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) petitions where Washington collective bargaining law requires UW to maintain a state of “dynamic status quo” and refrain from making decisions to change wages, which includes merit salary adjustments. UPDATE: For the 9/1/24 merit process, this reason code is limited to student advising and Continuum College positions included in the recent PERC petitions as detailed here. |
Ineligible-Retire/Resign/Nonrenew | Has a retirement or resignation date effective prior to September 1, 2024 and termination has been processed in Workday, OR
Will be terminated prior to September 1, 2024 Include retirement or resignation date in the Comment column on spreadsheet. |
Ineligible-Performance Evaluation not Completed | A performance review has not been completed in the previous 12 months |
Between September 9-13, units must confirm that approved increases have loaded as intended into Workday, by running the R0537 report in Workday and checking the output against the approved official file(s). NOTE: R0537 is not the same report that was used for data clean-up. If the unit identifies errors, they should follow steps outlined in the Corrections & Changes section.
It is the responsibility of individual units to award meritorious faculty a merit increase in compliance with the Faculty Salary Policy. Meritorious faculty who received compensation at any point during 2023-24 academic year, but have not been reappointed, rehired, or are not in active pay status on September 1, 2024 are due the equivalent of a merit increase should they be reappointed, rehired, or returned to paid status at any point during the 2024-25 academic year. A salary increase equivalent to the percent authorized for faculty merit must be factored into the new base salary upon rehire and the appointment letter should note the salary as inclusive of a merit increase.
This applies to all faculty as identified in the Faculty Code Section 21-31, including those with part-time or full-time appointments in clinical, acting, affiliate, or visiting faculty ranks/titles, teaching associates, lecturers, and artists in residence.
Annual or shorter-term faculty who have been processed for Fall 2024 reappointment should appear on the official file, provided they are active or on summer hiatus. If a unit is unsure of their 2024-25 workforce needs and has not reappointed an existing annual or shorter-term faculty member, the unit should terminate the employee and rehire when they are ready to make an employment commitment. As noted above, units should factor the equivalent of a merit increase into the individual’s salary upon rehire. Units should not zero out compensation as a means of circumventing the termination process as that is against university policy and will result in serious data errors.
A correction is in order when a recommendation was entered on the official file and approved by APF or UWHR, but did not load into Workday correctly. If a unit identifies such an error when validating increases loaded into Workday, they must submit a correction request as soon as possible and no later than September 13 to ensure the error is corrected in time for the September 25 pay date.
A change is when a unit would like to revise the percentage or merit reason code after it has already been approved by APF of UWHR. Please be aware that there is no guarantee that review, approval, and loading of changes will be completed in time to appear on September 25 pay slips. As such, it is critical that units carefully consider recommendations they enter onto the official file before submitting them for institutional review. It is the provost’s expectation that there will be an extremely limited need for changes.
‘Corrections’ are prioritized ahead of ‘Changes’.
Keep in mind that some job profiles are not included in the merit process and that unpaid or terminated/non-renewed academic personnel are not eligible for merit until they move into paid status or are rehired. For more detail, please see Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process and Merit Considerations for Annual or Shorter-Term Faculty.
If an individual was omitted from the official file when they shouldn’t have been, it is often a result of a data error with their Workday record or the timing of their hire relative to the merit review. In such cases, the unit should contact APF (for academic personnel) or UWHR (for professional staff) to confirm merit eligibility and get information on next steps.
Submitting Corrections or Changes
Before submitting a correction or change, verify with your dean/chancellor/VP office unit administrator that the employee was listed on the official file and that the increase was approved by APF or UWHR.
To submit a correction or change, create a UW Connect ticket by emailing your request to:
acadpersmerit@uw.edu for faculty and academic staff
prostaffmerit@uw.edu for professional staff
The subject line must indicate whether it is a correction or a change and the employment category (e.g., “MERIT CORRECTION – Academic”, “MERIT CHANGE – Staff”).
UW Connect ticket must include the following information as applicable:
- Employee Name
- Position Number
- Full-time Monthly Salary Rate in effect as of August 31, 2024
- Full-time Monthly Salary Rate to be effective September 1, 2024
- Proposed merit, CUA unit adjustment, and/or LUA unit adjustment percentage(s)
- Proposed merit reason code
- A change in an APF-approved or UWHR-approved percentage or reason code must include a description of and rationale for the requested change, and an attestation that the dean/chancellor/unit head has approved the revision. Supporting documentation of dean/chancellor/unit head approval should be maintained in the department. Upon APF/UWHR approval, the change will be processed centrally.
For additional questions not addressed in this process guide, please contact the appropriate resource identified below and include “Merit Process Question” as the subject line of your email.
- For general merit and faculty unit adjustment questions, your first point of contact should be your dean’s/VP office unit administrator.
- For questions on how to cancel or rescind actions in Workday, email HRhelp@uw.edu.
If you have questions that cannot be resolved by your dean’s/VP office, the dean’s/VP office unit administrator should reach out to the contacts below, as appropriate:
- Academic personnel merit and faculty unit adjustment processes
Email Peg Stuart at mjstuart@uw.edu - Professional staff in-grade and review processes
Email your Assigned Compensation Consultant or uwhrcomp@uw.edu (for campus) or medcomp@uw.edu (for medical centers) - Professional staff merit process
Email UWHR at prostaffmerit@uw.edu - Merit and faculty unit adjustment authorization/policies
Email Peg Stuart at mjstuart@uw.edu
Academic Personnel Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process (jump to Professional Staff job profiles)
Academic Personnel Job Profiles | Job Code |
Academic Personnel in Hourly Job Profiles | multiple |
Affiliate Curator | 10429 |
Chief Resident Non-ACGME | 10333 |
Chief Resident-Non-Bargaining | 10325 |
Clinician Researcher | 23153 |
Clinician Researcher-Stipend | 23154 |
Curator | 10427 |
Emeritus and Retiree Job Profiles | multiple |
Fellow | 10444 |
Fellow ACGME-Non-Bargaining | 10327 |
Fellow Non-ACGME (E S) | 21889 |
Fellow Non-ACGME Stipend (E) | 21890 |
Fogarty Fellow – Stipend | 10472 |
Resident – Non-ACGME (E S) | 10326 |
Resident – Non-Bargaining | 10324 |
ROTC Assistant Professor without Tenure | 10128 |
ROTC Associate Professor without Tenure | 10127 |
ROTC Professor without Tenure | 10126 |
Unpaid Academic | 21184 |
Visiting Fellow – Stipend | 10441 |
Visiting International Professional Scholar (VIPS) | 10436 |
Visiting Scientist | 10437 |
Academic personnel represented by the following union contracts are not included in the merit process:
Professional Staff Job Profiles Not Included in the Merit Process (jump to Academic Personnel job profiles)
Professional Staff Job Profiles | Job Code |
Director of Athletics PS Contract (E S) | 11120 |
Director of Athletics PS Contract (NE S) | 23390 |
Doctoral Psychology Intern | 21102 |
Doctoral Psychology Intern – SOM | 21222 |
Doctoral Psychology Intern – SOM (NE S) | 23319 |
Doctoral Psychology Intern (NE S) | 23318 |
International Asst To (E S) | 11805 |
International Computing (E S) | 11803 |
International Computing 11-14 (E S) | 11813 |
International Continuing Ed (E S) | 11800 |
International Continuing Ed 11-14 (E S) | 11810 |
International HR (E S) | 11806 |
International Program Operations (E S) | 11802 |
International Program Operations 11-14 (E S) | 11812 |
International Public Info (E S) | 11804 |
International Research (E S) | 11801 |
International Research 11-14 (E S) | 11811 |
Pro Staff Temp Position (E S) | 11650 |
Pro Staff Temp Position (NE H) | 11850 |
Pro Staff Temp Position (NE S) | 19650 |
Pro Staff Temp Position 11-14 (E S) | 11655 |
Pro Staff Temp Position 11-14 (NE H) | 11855 |
Pro Staff Temp Position 11-14 (NE S) | 19652 |
Professional Staff – Contract (E S) | 11700 |
Professional Staff – Contract (NE S) | 23397 |
Professional Staff – Contract P2 (E S) | 11763 |
Professional Staff – Contract P2 (NE S) | 23323 |
Professional Staff – Contract P3 (E S) | 11764 |
Professional Staff – Contract P3 (NE S) | 23369 |
ICA Contract Staff Program and Print Plant employees are not professional staff and are not eligible for professional staff merit. | |
Former Professional Staff, now known as Represented Civil Service Exempt Staff, who are represented by the following union contracts are not eligible for professional staff merit:
On June 28, 2024, SEIU 925 filed two petitions with PERC (Public Employment Relations Commission) to represent:
For each petition, PERC will conduct an investigation to determine which of the petitioned-for job classes/titles should be in each unit. After the unit composition is determined for each unit, PERC may hold an election in which employees in the unit decide on union representation. During the time between the filing of the petitions and the resolution of the question of union representation, Washington collective bargaining law requires UW to maintain a state of “dynamic status quo.” While UW may implement final decisions already made, UW must not make any decisions to change wages (i.e., retention adjustments, in-grade compensation changes, merit), hours (i.e., FTE changes) and working conditions (i.e., a schedule change, work location, or a material change in workload) for employees included the representation petitions until the question of union representation for those employees has been decided. The public policy underlying this legal requirement is that employees should vote without potentially being influenced by such changes. To comply with the dynamic status quo rule, employees included in the two groups below will not be merit eligible, unless advised by Labor Relations: